Shows how much you understand about fiscal responsibility. The republican policy of CUTTING TAXES works the same in every state. CUT TAXES/REDUCE REVENUE CREATE DEFICITS.
Its been the same since Herbert Hoover started in just before the great depression, and its worked the same for every republican president that has tried it, along with every republican governor who tried it.
Rather than increasing taxes and plugging the holes, they would rather cut programs for the poor, close schools and colleges, divert money from other guaranteed funds like pensions and run those dry, and take highway monies to pay for the subsidizing of the rich.
KANSAS is a diaster because it cut its revenue by BILLIONS OF DOLLARS.
That whole concept that if you cut taxes for the rich, the rich invest more money into the economy has proven FALSE ever since Herbert Hoover.
Didnt work for Hoover, Didnt work for Reagan, Didnt work for BUSH2 and its not working for republican governors presently.
Just ask bobby jindal, or Scott walker.