Biased Liberal Media?


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
For the longest time, after trump, people on the right called New York Times fake news because they printed unflattering facts about Trump

Now, the New York Times prints unflattering facts about Biden or democrats and people on the left call it, in their own words, fake news, and trash the NYT’s credibility

The hypocrisy is gross and it’s just stupid

News sources aren’t supposed to be cheerleaders for your favorite candidates.
A lie is a lie.
The truth is the truth.
Doesn't matter who says it or prints it.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
It’s interesting that when it comes to people we don’t know versus animals, bad things happening to animals can tend to elicit a stronger emotional reaction.
Shame. But, true.
You gotta know this has a lot of root in atheism/ secular humanism. Animal life is as valuable as human life. Death to either, means nothing.
"A country that kills its own children, is a country without hope." -Mother Theresa