Bible-Thumping Zealots On The BC


Engorged Member
Afraid, of what?
Sorry for my slow response, since I have worked 18hrs overtime this week.
I do not dislike you, only the lack of knowledge that you spout.
This crap about me revering Reagan is a Prime example.
Maybe you should quit working for a
scab company working in direct competition against a union company and find a union job.
No, you are too afraid-(or unable)- to do that.
Please unionize
FedEx, and maybe Central States Pension Fund might be able to back up it's promises for another couple of years.

I simply wanted to see if you walked your talk. You quoted Reagan in reverential terms, and a true Reaganite wouldn't have much use for the Teamsters. Good for you.

A scab is a union replacement worker, as you well know, so your analogy isn't accurate because we've never been union. I am attempting to change that. Also, isn't Central States in trouble because of all the trucking companies that have gone under (depleting the dues base), and not necessarily because of Teamster corruption and mis-management?

Nice touch with the purple letters. Barney likes purple....a lot.


Senior Member
I simply wanted to see if you walked your talk. You quoted Reagan in reverential terms, and a true Reaganite wouldn't have much use for the Teamsters. Good for you.

A scab is a union replacement worker,Only in forced to join states. as you well know,I am/was not a replacement, just a non-union member so your analogy isn't accurate because we've never been union.So therefore, you can take work away from a union member and be scab free? I am attempting to change that.Godspeed, to you Also, isn't Central States in trouble because of all the trucking companies that have gone under (depleting the dues base), and not necessarily because of Teamster corruption and mis-management?Nope, CS was in trouble in 97' due to mis-management of the fund, by the teamsters, -(do some research)- and that was when I quit the teamsters, after being one for 10yrs.

Nice touch with the purple letters.Thanks Barney likes purple....a lot.
Once again, please unionize FedEx. The teamsters needs all the dues they can get their hands on.


Engorged Member
Once again, please unionize FedEx. The teamsters needs all the dues they can get their hands on.

A scab, as far as I know, is anyone who replaces a union worker, be they a non-union replacement who doesn't normally work for the company,a non-union worker in a Right To Work state who does work for the company, or a union member who chooses to cross the line. In short, a scab makes the choice to work when a strike is in progress.

I'm not a member of a union, but I won't cross a picket line, and FedEx cannot force us to do so. I'll be happy to pay my dues someday because the increase in wages and benefits I will accrue will far exceed my fees.


Well-Known Member
Great post.

I am fascinated with what one could call "natural" religion, i.e. religion based solely on what can be observed, as opposed to revelatory religion.

I find comfort knowing that nothing ever is really destroyed as much as it is transformed. My hope is that personal consciousness exists in some form, even if transformed, after our lives have ended.

Without this hope life would have no meaning for me.

Well after a brief halftime show on unionism, ever notice how much bible thumpers and unionists have in common? Do this or you'll die and go to hell! Do this or the boss will fire you and ruin your life! :happy-very:

Anyhoo, I just saw this article "Does Death Exist? New Theory Says No!" and thought I'd pass it on. For those who hold to something beyond death, the article from a scientific POV offered an interesting theory.

Although individual bodies are destined to self-destruct, the alive feeling - the 'Who am I?'- is just a 20-watt fountain of energy operating in the brain. But this energy doesn't go away at death. One of the surest axioms of science is that energy never dies; it can neither be created nor destroyed. But does this energy transcend from one world to the other?
Consider an experiment that was recently published in the journal Science showing that scientists could retroactively change something that had happened in the past. Particles had to decide how to behave when they hit a beam splitter. Later on, the experimenter could turn a second switch on or off. It turns out that what the observer decided at that point, determined what the particle did in the past. Regardless of the choice you, the observer, make, it is you who will experience the outcomes that will result. The linkages between these various histories and universes transcend our ordinary classical ideas of space and time. Think of the 20-watts of energy as simply holo-projecting either this or that result onto a screen. Whether you turn the second beam splitter on or off, it's still the same battery or agent responsible for the projection.

Now from a religious perspective I could see where this idea might pose a problem in that if energy can never die, this means it has always existed. Alpha and Omega if you will which is a condition only of God from that perspective. Now defending the religious position in regards to before, one could say the energy existed with God and was transferred at the moment life began and of course that's a another debate I hope doesn't blossom here. Again holding to a God perspective, the reverse is true that upon death the life energy transfers back to God or in other words via the concepts of Heaven or divine eternity.

A number of years ago I read Dr. Frank Tipler's "Physics of Immortality" which theorized from a scientific perspective how life could in fact be immortal after death and even how science proves a resurrection. It was at the very least, a fascinating read IMO although it did upset a lot of folks both in the religious and the scientific world. Regardless, he as well as others in the field of advanced physics do show based on pure science, a means, a theory if you will in how our conscience energy or lifeforce can transcend beyond our physical lives of our bodies.

I often laughed that eternal life turns out to be nothing more than a math equation!