In the Spirit of Honore' Daumier

One African American loser dies resisting arrest from a drug overdose…cities are burnt, looting commonplace, statues are erected, his mug shots painted on walls, millions donated to his family by corporate America and go fund me, Senators were knelling down in remembrance as our citizens were being killed or injured in the streets.

One young innocent White woman with a future is brutally murdered by an illegal thug….all quiet in the media, cities are not burning, Trump supporters are not storming the capitol or rioting and looting, no one is painting her picture or erecting a statue, corporate America will not give her family a dime. She is being swept under the rug for political reasons, just another piece of meat for the greater glory.

Again what was that “Me Too” movement about..?

What is wrong about this picture…!!


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
One African American loser dies resisting arrest from a drug overdose…cities are burnt, looting commonplace, statues are erected, his mug shots painted on walls, millions donated to his family by corporate America and go fund me, Senators were knelling down in remembrance as our citizens were being killed or injured in the streets.

One young innocent White woman with a future is brutally murdered by an illegal thug….all quiet in the media, cities are not burning, Trump supporters are not storming the capitol or rioting and looting, no one is painting her picture or erecting a statue, corporate America will not give her family a dime. She is being swept under the rug for political reasons, just another piece of meat for the greater glory.

Again what was that “Me Too” about..?

What is wrong about this picture…!!
Laken was going to be a productive member of society, a nurse, not a :censored2:in drug addict leech.


In the Spirit of Honore' Daumier
Laken was going to be a productive member of society, a nurse, not a :censored2:in drug addict leech.

She also was a defenseless woman. The same as all those Israeli women and children who were raped and murdered in a similar fashion. I give warning to anyone that supports such behavior, the tide has turned, I fully expect even the most liberal member on this site would agree.. if not it will be on their deferment…getting tired of all this political::



BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
Dems are the party of crime. They set up sanctuary cities, actively worked to defund the police, worked to raise standards of what a felony is which encouraged criminal behavior, and said nothing as millions of illiegals flooded across the border unvetted, many of them gang members, drug dealers, and dangerous criminals.
Dems are the party of crime. They set up sanctuary cities, actively worked to defund the police, worked to raise standards of what a felony is which encouraged criminal behavior, and said nothing as millions of illiegals flooded across the border unvetted, many of them gang members, drug dealers, and dangerous criminals.
And the Governor of Texas spent 100's of millions of Texas taxpayers Dollars flying them all over the country. Should he be considered an accomplice in any crimes committed by these criminals he sent us?


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
And the Governor of Texas spent 100's of millions of Texas taxpayers Dollars flying them all over the country. Should he be considered an accomplice in any crimes committed by these criminals he sent us?
An accomplice? To crime? lol
How the traitor/lawbreaker sleeping in the Oval Office, who raised his hand and swore to uphold the laws of this country?
these criminals he sent us?
Who allowed them to be sent to Abbott?


Well-Known Member
And the Governor of Texas spent 100's of millions of Texas taxpayers Dollars flying them all over the country. Should he be considered an accomplice in any crimes committed by these criminals he sent us?
He didn't fly them all over the country. You don't seem to have a problem with letting them into the country unvetted. You just want Texas to take them all in and pay billions to support them. If they kill Texans it's too bad.

You sound like you live in a sanctuary state. If you're going to give people in other countries an incentive to come here then take responsibility for your policies.

Seems I have to point this out because you keep making erroneous claims. Texas has specifically targeted some large metro areas. Particularly NYC, Chicago, and I believe D.C. The Federal government has by far bused and flown the most. After them it has been various NGO's. And then Texas. Even the Democratic mayor of El Paso has bused some. And let's not forget that in 2023 alone the Biden administration went directly to Latin American countries and flew into 43 U.S. airports 325,000 people, bypassing the border. That info came out when a D.C. think tank did a FOIA request for Border Patrol data. Which is why it's extraordinarily disingenuous for the Biden administration to seek bipartisan legislation to control the border when they've done everything possible to facilitate getting millions of people into the country.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
Does Biden get involved?

Biden does get involved. First part of his message was spot on. Then he works in his message. Wants to undo the "defund the police" movement, and ban guns.

Police were trying to serve a warrant for possession of a firearm by a convicted felon.

Maybe keep dangerous felons locked up Joe?

Earlier today, four brave law enforcement officers – including a Deputy U.S. Marshal – were killed in the line of duty. They are heroes who made the ultimate sacrifice, rushing into harm’s way to protect us. We mourn for them and their loved ones. And we pray for the recoveries of the courageous officers who were wounded.

When a law enforcement officer puts on that shield in the morning and heads out the door, their family members dread the phone call – the very call that came today. It’s like losing a piece of your soul. To the families of those we lost: Jill and I, and all Americans, are here for you. And we will always be here for you.

We must do more to protect our law enforcement officers. That means funding them – so they have the resources they need to do their jobs and keep us safe. And it means taking additional action to combat the scourge of gun violence. Now. Leaders in Congress need to step up so that we ban assault weapons and high-capacity magazines, require safe storage of guns, and pass universal background checks and a national red flag law. Enough is enough.

May God Bless these fallen heroes.


Legio patria nostra
Biden does get involved. First part of his message was spot on. Then he works in his message. Wants to undo the "defund the police" movement, and ban guns.

Police were trying to serve a warrant for possession of a firearm by a convicted felon.

Maybe keep dangerous felons locked up Joe?

Earlier today, four brave law enforcement officers – including a Deputy U.S. Marshal – were killed in the line of duty. They are heroes who made the ultimate sacrifice, rushing into harm’s way to protect us. We mourn for them and their loved ones. And we pray for the recoveries of the courageous officers who were wounded.

When a law enforcement officer puts on that shield in the morning and heads out the door, their family members dread the phone call – the very call that came today. It’s like losing a piece of your soul. To the families of those we lost: Jill and I, and all Americans, are here for you. And we will always be here for you.

We must do more to protect our law enforcement officers. That means funding them – so they have the resources they need to do their jobs and keep us safe. And it means taking additional action to combat the scourge of gun violence. Now. Leaders in Congress need to step up so that we ban assault weapons and high-capacity magazines, require safe storage of guns, and pass universal background checks and a national red flag law. Enough is enough.

May God Bless these fallen heroes.
He’s frantic because he knows he’s going to lose in November.
His idiot followers will fall for his last-minute phony acts of being “tuff”.
He’s a loser followed by even bigger losers.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
He’s frantic because he knows he’s going to lose in November.
His idiot followers will fall for his last-minute phony acts of being “tuff”.
He’s a loser followed by even bigger losers.
Scum was using illegal weapons. How will any ban stop criminals?


Strength through joy
The White House published a statement from Biden, wherein he said:

We must do more to protect our law enforcement officers. That means funding them – so they have the resources they need to do their jobs and keep us safe. And it means taking additional action to combat the scourge of gun violence. Now. Leaders in Congress need to step up so that we ban assault weapons and high-capacity magazines, require safe storage of guns, and pass universal background checks and a national red flag law. Enough is enough.