Bill Barr


Engorged Member
The Dems have been going after Trump, saying they had seen evidence of wrongdoing, saying his presidency was about to end, for two years. For them to say Barr holding a press conference is highly partisan is laughable after all the things they've said and done.

Barr has been a Trump lackey, nothing more. He auditioned for the AG job by basically telling Trump he couldn't ever commit a crime as president because a sitting president is immune from prosecution...per Barr.

The press conference was a joke because it allowed Barr to set-up a narrative, and he had also pre-briefed the Trump legal team several days before the report was seen by anyone else. Nothing weird there, eh?

You people (intentional) are so delusional. Trump's stooge "clears" him, and there is celebration, not concern. And let's be clear...Barr is Trump's stooge.


Engorged Member
Rudy Giuliani is mopping the floor with Chris on Cuomo Prime time. Chris keeps trying to push Rudy off saying he’s running late for an interview on another show, LOL. My, how the tables have turned.

Debating Giuliani shouldn't be difficult. I can't imagine how Cuomo couldn't handle him.


Well-Known Member
I think it's important to note that the report contained redacted portions that pertain to at least 12 ongoing investigations The report also makes note of the fact that while Trump cannot be indicted while president he can continue to be investigated and possibly indicted after he leaves office.
Now if in the coming months evidence continues to build making the prospect of a post term indictment a virtual certainty the GOP may have no choice but to look for an alternative candidate to challenge Trump in the primaries.
This possibility may in turn explain the Democrats reluctance to begin impeachment proceedings. Why bother to impeach a self destructing president whose political fate may be decided by his own party? Remember Trump once tried to find a pathway to power as a Democrat but the Democrats knew the game he was playing and rejected him. The GOP may in the end wish that they had done the same. We'll just have to wait and see because this little political drama is only just beginning.


Staff member
Looks like no collusion to me.

But there certainly was enough going on to warrant the investigation and enough turned up to make me wonder what is wrong with people who support this self absorbed maniac.

Apparently a president and his campaign can do a lot of shady, suspicious things and not have it be illegal.


Well-Known Member
Barr has been a Trump lackey, nothing more. He auditioned for the AG job by basically telling Trump he couldn't ever commit a crime as president because a sitting president is immune from prosecution...per Barr.

The press conference was a joke because it allowed Barr to set-up a narrative, and he had also pre-briefed the Trump legal team several days before the report was seen by anyone else. Nothing weird there, eh?

You people (intentional) are so delusional. Trump's stooge "clears" him, and there is celebration, not concern. And let's be clear...Barr is Trump's stooge.
A sitting president can't be indicted isn't just the opinion of Barr. And if it was the law that a president could be indicted then Barr's opinion wouldn't matter and he himself could be impeached for not following a law if he tried to prevent it. Furthermore, as McConnell pointed out, Barr is 69, has already been AG, was retired, didn't need this :censored2:show, and isn't looking to harm his own reputation. So get over your latest conspiracy theory, it ain't happening.


Well-Known Member
Looks like no collusion to me.

But there certainly was enough going on to warrant the investigation and enough turned up to make me wonder what is wrong with people who support this self absorbed maniac.

Apparently a president and his campaign can do a lot of shady, suspicious things and not have it be illegal.
Or, BS was manufactured to sell the public a narrative and Trump has been fighting it ever since.


Well-Known Member
Benghazi!! Benghazi!!! The emails!! You're pathetic.
You can't seem to grasp a simple point. Did Obama commit a crime having Rice lie to the public? Y'all want to hang Trump on him wanting a subordinate to do something for him so please explain how one is a crime but the other isn't?


Well-Known Member
Russia meddled in our election.
The Trump campaign met with and encouraged them.

What narrative are you trying to spin? Let me guess, it's a deep state conspiracy!
The Trump campaign met with a Russian lawyer who claimed she had dirt on Hillary. So? The Steele Dossier was manufactured dirt on Trump. Lots of dirt floating around but Mueller said nothing indictable on Trump campaign's part. And it was known from 2014 on that the Russians were meddling. Who's watch was that on?