Dick Morris has now stepped into the fray. Whether he is right or wrong you decide but he was at one time very close to the Clinton's and to his credit he finds fault in his piece with Bush as well and I agree with that position also and I'm still not satisfied enough has been done regarding Osama which has been the whole root cause of this entire exercise.
The real Clinton emerges
Also, Slothrop would you stop getting so worked up over nothing. DAMN! It's very possible that out of laziness on my part that I also would have responded and addressed you as Sloth (I swear I think I have in the past) or SRop or various other shorthanded versions of your alias as Moreluck did. And in doing so the motive would have been my own laziness and not some means of demeaning or sarcasic methods of buttering your biscuits!
I never cry foul at all when you refer to me as mac although that use has no meaning to me. I've been called wack-mac (I liked that one LOL) and working-mac as people have tried to figure out what wkmac means. Like passwords, sometimes you just use a goofy combination that works but has no rhyme or reason. Others like to use something that sends a message or implies something about their own personality and that's cool to. This can be very fun when they work for the person.
I don't think it's any secret that you and Moreluck don't see each as kindred spirits but I'd also venture to say that of the political positions that I hold on many a subject matter, she would likely more often disagree with me as well, in many cases very strongly like the time I did call the american gov't fascist because in many respects of the true useage of political structure and means of operation, I truely believe this is the case. I however disagree with those who use the term in a flipent method of intimidation during political discourse as a means of manipulation. I also would say you could call Amercia socialist as we've incorporated as normal governace, in some form or fashion, the 10 planks of Marx's Communist manifesto and both political parties have in the past fully endorsed these measures. I beleive we are becoming and are a hybrid system and I'm sure that Moreluck would not be so quick to agree with me on my allegations and for that fact you may not either and that's cool!
However, and to my knowledge, I don't believe Moreluck and I have ever had crosswords although we've taken opposite positions on issues with one another. I've always shown her respect and I have talked cooking with her before and may in the future as well so her cooking threads are not a waste of time in this forum as far as I'm concerned. My 12 year old daughter recently cooked a Swiss Steak recipe she found in the threads and I enjoyed it very much and she found much delight in cooking it. Thanks More! For that fact and correct me if I'm wrong or at least what I know from my part, you and I have never had crosswords and I'm sure there are areas that we disagree with one another.
Nobody has died and left either of us in charge as God and never will so stop taking yourself so damn serious. At best, we are nothing but hot globs of gas on a neural network and nothing more. That is the extent of the realm of our kingdom! Odds are, no matter what we say and how hard we try, neither of us will change the world as much as we may like too. I rarely respond to you directly not because I dislike you or detest your positions. Some things I think we would agree on but rather I don't respond because I see no effort on your part to every once in a while to just get a little stupid and silly and just have some fun and laughter here. Maybe I've missed those posts to be fair you you. Tieguy and I are miles apart in many areas but I find it very easy to laugh with him when he gets silly and in like he's laughed with me. I will admit I did try and butter Tie's biscuits with the Tie loves Susie and Susie loves Tie posts but I think in time he caught on to the game and took my fun away. Damn you Tie!
BTW: If I ever get the chance to meet Tie and I know it ahead of time I gonna act real gay and come on to him just to REALLY "butter his biscuits" and "wind his watch!"
There's an old saying that I've found to be very true and that is the one way to influence another person is to first and foremost, be a friend and share a laugh or 2 together. Reagan and Tip O'Neil were arch political enemies but they loved to laugh together and when the times demanded it they did work together and get some things done. People never completely agree with you in all things because they aren't you and that's true across the board but all I hope for is for any person to have enough respect for me to let me live as I see fit and in kind I hope to do the same for them. In doing so and in time I think the 2 persons find so much common ground that life can and usually is a pretty good deal!
JMO to hopefully another friend here!