Bin Laden

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Of course torture was not the only bush policy...that's just ridiculous. Let's see, the Patriot Act, the use of surveillance drones, the military surges were just some of the bush policies in place. We will never know exactly how Bin Laden was found and the details of the whole operation and how the still existing bush policies influenced the overall operation of getting bin laden. We are only going to be told that 0bama got bin laden when the truth be know all he did was say, OK. Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to give bush credit for that, but his policies can't be denied as contributory to the fact.

The BUSH policies did not include entering pakistan and YOU KNOW IT. The GOP in its ENTIRETY throughout 2008 were saying that OBAMA's intention of going into Pakistan was NUTS! FOX SPEWS ran stories daily on OBAMAs stated goal of getting out of IRAQ and AFGHANISTAN and seeking out Bin LADEN in Pakistan as if Obama lost his mind.

You ALL on this board ECHOED the same sentiments.

Seems like OBAMA was right all along. Getting out of the disaster called IRAQ and placing resources into strategic strikes to get BIN LADEN was the better option than staying in IRAQ for a hundred years like MCCAIN CLAIMED was necessary?

And You wonder why you lost the election?>?>?>?

Please, nothing BUSH did or said had ANYTHING to do with the planning of the capture and killing of Usama Bin Laden. TO DATE , there isnt ONE SHRED of evidence that has come forward to prove that any TORTURE had anything to do with Bin Ladens capture.

Give us a break.




golden ticket member


Strength through joy
Now out comes the story that bhos knew where OBL was for over a year.
The policy that was started under GB resulted in leads that identified who OBL's contacts were.
And how come today we know every little detail of how the mission was planned, who carried it out, and what equipment was used , because everyone involved out side of the military has a big mouth that they couldn't keep shut.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Now out comes the story that bhos knew where OBL was for over a year.
The policy that was started under GB resulted in leads that identified who OBL's contacts were.
And how come today we know every little detail of how the mission was planned, who carried it out, and what equipment was used , because everyone involved out side of the military has a big mouth that they couldn't keep shut.

YAWN. Just be thankful OBAMA finished the job and you rest in peace under his leadership.




Strength through joy
If he done his job correctly, we would have been embracing the second year anniversary of OBL's death .
[h=2]Obama Knew Where Osama Was for Almost a Year[/h] Retired four-star general Jack Keane confirms that it took the Vacillator in Chief almost a year to issue his allegedly gutsy call to make a move on Osama bin Laden.
It shouldn’t come as a surprise that it took White House lawyers so long to draft the orders that would allow Obama to hog the credit if the mission succeeded and Admiral McRaven to take the fall if it didn’t. They probably get paid by the hour.
On tips from Shawn and Curtis.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
He's no different than any other pol. who can get some air time.
Except more people believe in him than say biden.

NO, just the drones who like the new hand puppets for the GOP. Sarah Palin was the last puppet to be put in front of you, how did that work out for ya?




golden ticket member

What is RUBIOS military experience? Or foriegn policy experience? Or decision making track record on foreign wars?

Seriously? RUBIO has a comment to make?


Really, you're asking about military experience.......even the pres.'s job didn't need that or any business experience either.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Really, you're asking about military experience.......even the pres.'s job didn't need that or any business experience either.

What in Your mind qualifies RUBIO to speak on anything? He's not even through his first term in office? If it wasnt for prepared remarks by expert talking point writers, he would sound as dumb as Sarah Palin off camera...




Staff member
Not that Rubio means a damn thing to me but from your comments, sounds like he working off the Obama model of qualifications. Hmmmmm?
My thoughts exactly. Sheesh TOS, we have a community organizer acting as President.
The bar is not that high....


Well-Known Member
You've been getting whoever everybody else votes in.

Considering the horrific state of this nation, it's economy especially and the decisions of national leaders specifically but not limited to the last 40 years, can I really be all that wrong to begin with?

Oh that's right, you don't do history!