

Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Prices are soaring, you are about to lose your job, but at least your stocks are crashing and the value of yours house is about to fall off a cliff. What’s next? UBI and CBDC. (Opting out)


Well-Known Member
My bag is getting bigger and my cost basis is getting smaller. Hard to complain if you're a long term investor.
Having a 90% loss in three months just makes my bag look bigger because it is almost empty.

Hard to complain if you are a long term investor that will never turn a profit.

You really can convince yourself of anything!


Retired 2020. Not my Problem Anymore!
I honestly can't believe how many millionaires there are on Brown Cafe
It‘s amazing none of these guys ever lose money and they don’t just make a hundred dollars or two, it is always hundreds of thousands or millions But never any proof. They all bought at the right time and sold at the right time. So many crypto geniuses here on BC. You would think with all that money they would be out living the high life with no time to be here typing on BC.
It‘s amazing none of these guys ever lose money and they don’t just make a hundred dollars or two, it is always hundreds of thousands or millions But never any proof. They all bought at the right time and sold at the right time. So many crypto geniuses here on BC. You would think with all that money they would be out living the high life with no time to be here typing on BC.
I find a quarter today, so I'm ahead of the game