

Well-Known Member
Who said anything about a token actually tracking physical objects.

My man if you’re unwilling to do even the most basic research about how something works than it’s probably best to just not say anything.

“It’s better to be silent and thought a fool than to open one’s mouth and remove all doubt”
You need a third party app for your token correct? I’m talking about (Bitcoin) the 2A second amendment of $. Why diversify from a winner to a handicap? EX. If you would have bought (Apple) stock and held you are a multimillionaire. Instead you want to literally moonshot with (Blackberry).
“A fool and his money will soon depart”


Well-Known Member
Once again let’s stay on the topic at hand. Never said anything about any of them being money. Only that over the next year they’ll yield better returns than BTC.
(EX From .01 to .1 that is 10x.) Is this that penny stock mentality where you have .0000067889 of a stock then there is a blip 📈 then it dumps leaving bag holders waiting for slick marketing with their sausage in the dirt 〽️? If you cannot run your own (independent) node without a 3rd party bank app you are exposed. (If your deep brother when the next peak hits push the button for escape velocity)
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Well-Known Member
BC people think 💭. If it ain’t $ then ______? . Guys.. other tokens are made to buy Bitcoin without working. The guy that made Eth cashes out regularly. Look it up. He even abandoned original (ETh classic) and restarted for his buddies (Eth) It was at $1.95 now its $0.5 It would have to 3.9x to get to former high. Meanwhile we have lost 25% of dollar value over 4 years. Legit question. How liquid is it?




You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
You need a third party app for your token correct? I’m talking about (Bitcoin) the 2A second amendment of $. Why diversify from a winner to a handicap? EX. If you would have bought (Apple) stock and held you are a multimillionaire. Instead you want to literally moonshot with (Blackberry).
“A fool and his money will soon depart”
You’re buying Apple in 2010. I’m buying Apple in 1985.

Let’s see why would I buy one of only cryptos enterprises are spending actual $$$ to use solutions built upon its tech while it’s dirt cheap? Vs bitcoin….

1000x my money vs 10x my money. That’s why.


Well-Known Member
This is why no one takes anything you say seriously. You jump from random thought to random thought with no context to tie them together.

You literally sound like a crazy homeless person we all hear rambling on the street about random stuff.
When people are stuck then they fall on “not understanding”. I get it. As far as (seriously). They are stacking, that is all that is required. If you have a stack (hodl) mentality you and your progeny will NEVER be homeless again. No other cut/paste token has that programmed in it.
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Well-Known Member
That is the stupidest thing I've ever seen.

I've heard better financial advice from gambling addicts.
No, Bitcoin should not be 84.9% of your portfolio.
(May be the smartest thing ever printed). Lol. Not for the weak of heart 💜. But maybe they know about this. Your gains in other assets are unit bias at best. Notice timeline stops 2030. OCTOBER/NOVEMBER 2025 🔥..screenshooting now.


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
Yep that’s 100k assets published just today. That’s 50k trac spent on the pubs. Fixed supply

Growing rate of adoption it’s all finally coming together.
