Black Lives Matter? Statistics Show That They Do.....


Well-Known Member
I don't recall MLK or ghandi being thus accused , perhaps you could refresh my memory.
Lol your ignorance is staggering. MLK was called a criminal all the time, the fbi was spying on him, they said he was anti-American, anti-law and order. He was considered a huge danger to American society and the American public hated his guts.

In fact, the hatred he received the violence he endured was much greater and again the people who hated him back then thought they were right about him and the civil rights movement.

Now we get jokers pretending they would have loved the civil rights movement in the past, but they hate Blm now cause it’s too radical. Talk about white washing history. The civil rights movement in the past was far far far far more radical than blm is today objectively and it’s not even close.
You really had a significant black power movement that was calling for violence right along side the civil rights movement and again these groups worked together both groups wanted to radically transform American society at all levels.

Blm is calling for police reform of some police department in certain cities and places using the federal and local governments. Again BLM is focused on a narrow issue that by design won’t impact most Americans but they are too radical and violent. Lol


Well-Known Member
Did MLK support what the Black Panthers and others were doing with violence? Never heard that before. You can associate BLM with the Black Panthers, but leave MLK out of it. The Civil Rights Movement was successful because of his non-violence stand. And frankly what's going on in the Black community today is very different from what they had to deal with then.

Nah, you are rewriting history. MLK was called a criminal all the time. He was constantly getting arrested, constantly going up against the police, constantly criticizing America, constantly criticizing the police, he was without a doubt blamed for violence. He was without a doubt associated with the black power movement and the black panther movement by some. He was without a doubt hated and reviled by the vast majority of Americans And he was without a doubt far more radical than BLM.
He was suggesting the complete and total transformation of American society that it would impact every Americans life.

BLM by comparison is calling for police reform in certain cities and places. It is a much smaller scale. Not even radical.

The idea that Blm is too radical or violent but you would have loved MLK and that civil rights movement is nonsense. The civil rights movement of the 1940’s, 1950’s, 1960’s, and 1970’s was objectively far far more radical than anything Blm is talking about today. There was far far more violence surrounding the civil rights movement in the past than Blm today and it’s not even close.


Well-Known Member
Yes, He is.
Nah, you are rewriting history. MLK was called a criminal all the time. He was constantly getting arrested, constantly going up against the police, constantly criticizing America, constantly criticizing the police, he was without a doubt blamed for violence. He was without a doubt associated with the black power movement and the black panther movement by some. He was without a doubt hated and reviled by the vast majority of Americans And he was without a doubt far more radical than BLM.
He was suggesting the complete and total transformation of American society that it would impact every Americans life.

BLM by comparison is calling for police reform in certain cities and places. It is a much smaller scale. Not even radical.

The idea that Blm is too radical or violent but you would have loved MLK and that civil rights movement is nonsense. The civil rights movement of the 1940’s, 1950’s, 1960’s, and 1970’s was objectively far far more radical than anything Blm is talking about today. There was far far more violence surrounding the civil rights movement in the past than Blm today and it’s not even close.
You have absolutely no idea what you are talking about. Mlk was labeled a communist by the FBI, support with only one example where he was viewed as a criminal, or one instance where he ever condoned violence. You cannot hijack MLK, and his legacy, and only a sick pos would try to co-opt what he stood for and the methods he used to gain racial equality.
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Well-Known Member
Nah, you are rewriting history. MLK was called a criminal all the time. He was constantly getting arrested, constantly going up against the police, constantly criticizing America, constantly criticizing the police, he was without a doubt blamed for violence. He was without a doubt associated with the black power movement and the black panther movement by some. He was without a doubt hated and reviled by the vast majority of Americans And he was without a doubt far more radical than BLM.
He was suggesting the complete and total transformation of American society that it would impact every Americans life.

BLM by comparison is calling for police reform in certain cities and places. It is a much smaller scale. Not even radical.

The idea that Blm is too radical or violent but you would have loved MLK and that civil rights movement is nonsense. The civil rights movement of the 1940’s, 1950’s, 1960’s, and 1970’s was objectively far far more radical than anything Blm is talking about today. There was far far more violence surrounding the civil rights movement in the past than Blm today and it’s not even close.
There's a difference between being called something and actually being something. Was MLK a proponent of violence to advance racial equality? No, he wasn't. And that was a major reason for his success. Standing up to violence with nonviolence. You're practicing revisionism. And I've seen nothing from BLM that indicates they're practicing nonviolence. They've openly called for the killing of cops. And, for Sportello's benefit, the problems that exist in the Black community today overall are very different from MLK's time. Back then they were trying to obtain equal status in all aspects of society. To have equal access. To stop brutal suppression of those goals. Today because of those efforts Blacks go to the same schools, use the same facilities, sit where they please, aren't denied simple human dignity. They date and marry other races, they run successful businesses, they buy into upscale communities and aren't relegated to living in substandard areas segregated from everyone else. They have the same right to prosper or fail as everyone else. The ones having difficulty are caught up in the legacy of liberal policies designed to support and make dependent rather than create self sufficiency. Those communities are notable for three major negative phenomenon: the dissolution of the nuclear family, the proliferation of drugs, and the resulting crime and violence. And BLM exists to shift blame from the Black community trapped in that environment to outside forces. Most black murders are committed by Blacks, yet BLM would have you believe otherwise. Marching in the street protesting against cops might make them feel better about themselves, but it won't change the underlying problems that make their lives so hard.


Well-Known Member
There's a difference between being called something and actually being something. Was MLK a proponent of violence to advance racial equality? No, he wasn't. And that was a major reason for his success. Standing up to violence with nonviolence. You're practicing revisionism. And I've seen nothing from BLM that indicates they're practicing nonviolence. They've openly called for the killing of cops. And, for Sportello's benefit, the problems that exist in the Black community today overall are very different from MLK's time. Back then they were trying to obtain equal status in all aspects of society. To have equal access. To stop brutal suppression of those goals. Today because of those efforts Blacks go to the same schools, use the same facilities, sit where they please, aren't denied simple human dignity. They date and marry other races, they run successful businesses, they buy into upscale communities and aren't relegated to living in substandard areas segregated from everyone else. They have the same right to prosper or fail as everyone else. The ones having difficulty are caught up in the legacy of liberal policies designed to support and make dependent rather than create self sufficiency. Those communities are notable for three major negative phenomenon: the dissolution of the nuclear family, the proliferation of drugs, and the resulting crime and violence. And BLM exists to shift blame from the Black community trapped in that environment to outside forces. Most black murders are committed by Blacks, yet BLM would have you believe otherwise. Marching in the street protesting against cops might make them feel better about themselves, but it won't change the underlying problems that make their lives so hard.
Excellent post Van, it was truth, of which they will have no part of. It's a losing battle with these types. The plus is, other people that read the truth may be persuaded.
They are agenda driven, and will lie at every turn to accomplish that agenda.


Well-Known Member
Excellent post Van, it was truth, of which they will have no part of. It's a losing battle with these types. The plus is, other people that read the truth may be persuaded.
They are agenda driven, and will lie at every turn to accomplish that agenda.
It's sad isn't it? In order to maintain the status quo they have to insist that only those who see it their way truly care about civil rights. The rest of us can say whatever we want but they know deep down inside we're all racists. The irony of not seeing they are the ones causing racial conflict.


Well-Known Member
And refinery worker at the present is on this thread, drum roll, his bull feathers response is forth coming with more lies and his agenda. That is why you get a yawn from me on most of your posts, I should have noted that @vantexan inspired me by his usage of "yawn," it's simple to the point, and says all that needs to be said. Hat tip Van.@refineryworker05 ,
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Well-Known Member
It's sad isn't it? In order to maintain the status quo they have to insist that only those who see it their way truly care about civil rights. The rest of us can say whatever we want but they know deep down inside we're all racists. The irony of not seeing they are the ones causing racial conflict.


Inordinately Right
Lol your ignorance is staggering. MLK was called a criminal all the time, the fbi was spying on him, they said he was anti-American, anti-law and order. He was considered a huge danger to American society and the American public hated his guts.

In fact, the hatred he received the violence he endured was much greater and again the people who hated him back then thought they were right about him and the civil rights movement.

Now we get jokers pretending they would have loved the civil rights movement in the past, but they hate Blm now cause it’s too radical. Talk about white washing history. The civil rights movement in the past was far far far far more radical than blm is today objectively and it’s not even close.
You really had a significant black power movement that was calling for violence right along side the civil rights movement and again these groups worked together both groups wanted to radically transform American society at all levels.

Blm is calling for police reform of some police department in certain cities and places using the federal and local governments. Again BLM is focused on a narrow issue that by design won’t impact most Americans but they are too radical and violent. Lol
Nah, you are rewriting history. MLK was called a criminal all the time. He was constantly getting arrested, constantly going up against the police, constantly criticizing America, constantly criticizing the police, he was without a doubt blamed for violence. He was without a doubt associated with the black power movement and the black panther movement by some. He was without a doubt hated and reviled by the vast majority of Americans And he was without a doubt far more radical than BLM.
He was suggesting the complete and total transformation of American society that it would impact every Americans life.

BLM by comparison is calling for police reform in certain cities and places. It is a much smaller scale. Not even radical.

The idea that Blm is too radical or violent but you would have loved MLK and that civil rights movement is nonsense. The civil rights movement of the 1940’s, 1950’s, 1960’s, and 1970’s was objectively far far more radical than anything Blm is talking about today. There was far far more violence surrounding the civil rights movement in the past than Blm today and it’s not even close.
There's a difference between being called something and actually being something. Was MLK a proponent of violence to advance racial equality? No, he wasn't. And that was a major reason for his success. Standing up to violence with nonviolence. You're practicing revisionism. And I've seen nothing from BLM that indicates they're practicing nonviolence. They've openly called for the killing of cops. And, for Sportello's benefit, the problems that exist in the Black community today overall are very different from MLK's time. Back then they were trying to obtain equal status in all aspects of society. To have equal access. To stop brutal suppression of those goals. Today because of those efforts Blacks go to the same schools, use the same facilities, sit where they please, aren't denied simple human dignity. They date and marry other races, they run successful businesses, they buy into upscale communities and aren't relegated to living in substandard areas segregated from everyone else. They have the same right to prosper or fail as everyone else. The ones having difficulty are caught up in the legacy of liberal policies designed to support and make dependent rather than create self sufficiency. Those communities are notable for three major negative phenomenon: the dissolution of the nuclear family, the proliferation of drugs, and the resulting crime and violence. And BLM exists to shift blame from the Black community trapped in that environment to outside forces. Most black murders are committed by Blacks, yet BLM would have you believe otherwise. Marching in the street protesting against cops might make them feel better about themselves, but it won't change the underlying problems that make their lives so hard.
It's sad isn't it? In order to maintain the status quo they have to insist that only those who see it their way truly care about civil rights. The rest of us can say whatever we want but they know deep down inside we're all racists. The irony of not seeing they are the ones causing racial conflict.


Well-Known Member
Refi says MLK was hated during his time, this is backed up by his approval rating being in the 30s when he died, and the fact that someone shot him.

Van doesn’t believe in institutional racism because he has a black friend.
You have absolutely no shame in being a total liar. That was not what he said. Piss poor, cheap trick.


Well-Known Member
Refi says MLK was hated during his time, this is backed up by his approval rating being in the 30s when he died, and the fact that someone shot him.

Van doesn’t believe in institutional racism because he has a black friend.
I don't believe in it because one can't fart sideways without a liberal screaming racism. I never said there aren't racists. But to hear "refi" tell it blacks are no better off than in the 60's. It's what you want to hold over everyone's heads to get the Black vote. So who's really advancing race relations in the U.S.?

Ah, to be in Georgia, where they're suspicious of all foreigners! :)

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
I don't believe in it because one can't fart sideways without a liberal screaming racism. I never said there aren't racists. But to hear "refi" tell it blacks are no better off than in the 60's. It's what you want to hold over everyone's heads to get the Black vote. So who's really advancing race relations in the U.S.?

Ah, to be in Georgia, where they're suspicious of all foreigners! :)
Institutional rasicm definitely exists. There was a recent study that showed black men that began their lives in the same middle class neighborhoods and family structures as whites are still twice as likely to drop into the lower class. There’s only one explanation.


nowhere special
Institutional rasicm definitely exists. There was a recent study that showed black men that began their lives in the same middle class neighborhoods and family structures as whites are still twice as likely to drop into the lower class. There’s only one explanation.

It starts in the home. Blame the families that raised them.


Well-Known Member
Institutional rasicm definitely exists. There was a recent study that showed black men that began their lives in the same middle class neighborhoods and family structures as whites are still twice as likely to drop into the lower class. There’s only one explanation.
Stop showing you ignorance, some on here are educated enough not to buy what you're selling. Try again.