Black lung from pkg. dust?



anyone that accuses someone of whining on this "public" message board, is obviously BORED! c'mon tieguy really, was that really needed?


Okie Dokie your born and raised Fedex and their 40 stops a day is a full day routine. Its not about talking trash its about a thang called reality dude. The only thing is if you can actually get the chip off your shoulder you'll probably be a lot happier in life. As it is your whining will kill you.


Workingman if your true brown you know that this fedex reject is never going to be happy at ups.


Automated Sortation has a lot to do with the clean appearance you saw. Automation works off singulated package flow which limits package damage and without having bulk flow where jams and package backups are standard fare you don't have packages sitting in one spot on a moving belt where the PVC belting shaves off cardboard dust thus creating the dust problem this thread is about. Not saying FedEx doesn't do a good job cleaning because I really don't know but I do know the singulated flow reduces dust so there fore the building appearance looks better from the get go.


"Okie Dokie your born and raised Fedex and their 40 stops a day is a full day routine. Its not about talking trash its about a thang called reality dude. The only thing is if you can actually get the chip off your shoulder you'll probably be a lot happier in life. As it is your whining will kill you."

Your reality is your own warped opinion and the only response I should give for your constant "whining" comments is..well...see workinman's last post.

"Workingman if your true brown you know that this fedex reject is never going to be happy at ups."

Now you are attempting to rally others to your sputtering, yet endless, cause because you have realized that you have no real credibility to your claims and have also realized that you have no important, usefull, or intelligent points to add therfore have started resorting to spouting endless insults that in themselves have no credibility. Keep pulling ignorant scenarious our of your ass such as the "40 stops a day" comments, which by the way have absolutely NOTHING do with with anything that has been discussed, and then claim such scenarios as my beatings and maybe you'll eventually get some genuine satisfaction that you have actually contributed to the issue that this thread was actually started'll still just seem like a prick. Keep up the good work. Oh by they way....its not mine, nor anyone elses, job to be always happy at UPS and for once you are right when you said I'll never be happy at UPS, but you left out one forgot to say that I wont be happy as long as people like you, people that don't give a crap about what goes on at UPS as long as the numbers come in and out, work at UPS and are running the show.


"Automated Sortation has a lot to do with the clean appearance you saw. Automation works off singulated package flow which limits package damage and without having bulk flow where jams and package backups are standard fare you don't have packages sitting in one spot on a moving belt where the PVC belting shaves off cardboard dust thus creating the dust problem this thread is about. Not saying FedEx doesn't do a good job cleaning because I really don't know but I do know the singulated flow reduces dust so there fore the building appearance looks better from the get go."

That pretty much says it. The auto sorter where I worked itself was very clean and rarely damaged packages. All the dirt in the hub mainly came from outside the building or from in the trailers. They had a cleanup crew that would come in right before our shift started and they'd clean up inside and out of the building as the building was running. I'd usually bring some dirt in the building when I'd get that rare time to come in and get something to eat or go the bathrooom. It would be blown on me from the exhaust of the switcher tractor. I looked like one of those chimney sweepers from Europe.


Is it just me, or is anyone else fed up with the fighting, name calling, etc.?


All the boards are going to hell in a hat basket. I fear even old B.C. joins the crowd. I wish the old M.friend. crowd could return.




Who gives a crap about pkg dust lung. If you you got it go fix it. I agree these discussions are for not. If you don't like working out of a dusty truck go somewhere else. I for one am tired of all the whining. Its like ups is responsible for every problem under the sun. I realize there is b##tching everywhere but if you got a problem go get a gas mask. Next thing you know we will be reading about methane poison from to many people cutting one in the back of the package car or in a building.


If you guys have something more constructive to say I would love to see it. It's easy to sit back and complain but if you really want to have more valuable conversations you should participate more. I totally agree that the whiners have taken over the boards but that's only because others haven't taken the time to contribute.


Perhaps we should all get off those brooms we ride to work on and use them to sweep out the back of our package cars.:-)) Mine's got an inch of dirt in it. Mostly because I drive miles of dirt road everyday. The older trucks don't seal off well as you all know. If they washed it out every night it would still be bad by the end of the day. I certainly don't like the dirt, but that is not my number one concern. Right now I care mostly about having a job. I've eaten dirt before and was payed much less for my eforts.
Seems some will always have a grievence of one kind or another. Have a good day tomorrow and when you make your deliveries take a good look at the people around you and ask yourself if you would rather be in thier place. We have it better than most.


I couldn't agree with you more. We all have choices. I think there has been a snowball effect on some of these threads. They say laughter is contagious and I believe that is true. The evil twin of that is negative thinking.
Seems the evil twin has taken over, but I think most UPSers are more positive than what we are reading on here.


People are now complaining about the whining going on but in doing so are actually whining themselves. Whining about whining seems to be a self-contradiction to me. Whinining about working conditions, complaining, asking questions, or whatever you want to call it, is not evil. If I want to know why managment won't get us safer equipment after asking them to do so for a year does that make me evil? Or complaining about my pay being reduced after being told it wont be makes me evil? Some people don't mind hearing what goes on at other hubs/centers whether its a "happy" topic or one of discussing problems. How could someone ask "who cares about black lung from package dust?" Obviously people do because not everyone got pissed at the subject. Discussion boards are for all topics so its time to get used to that. I don't agree with the attitudes of some lately but I don't apoligize for my own. How can I be judged for taking up for myself against people that are only slandering me because I don't fit into their profile of what they think is how every UPS employee should be and think like? I don't just spout sincless insults back at the people when I respond to their name calling. I will tell them that they are acting like a prick and expose why they are slandering me but I wont insult them simply because they are disagreeing with me. If the threads aren't intelligent enough or constructive enough for someone...well no one is stopping you from reading it nor stopping you from starting one! I can't start a thread without someone erupting into rage so..sorry...can't help out in that department. lol. All I know is if I read a post and don't agree I either don't respond to it or respond in a normal manor. If I don't find a thread interesting or intelligent I stop reading it. If I get tired of hearing whining then I stop reading it. If I'm insulted though I will respond. Its on all of us to make this a better board. Telling people to not be unhappy is not the way to do it. Tell whoever is complaining how they can, or might be able to fix the problem instead of insulting them for complaining. Thats usually why they are complaining in the first place. In the hope that someone can offer good advice for them. Thats why I complain anyway. this thread isnt supposed to sound hostile and I hope it doesn't. I'm just stating what I think. I won't insult someone for disagreeing with this but it doesn't require anyone to burn me at the stake for speaking out.

(Message edited by upslocal480 on October 23, 2002)

(Message edited by upslocal480 on October 23, 2002)


You are either part of the problem or part of the solution! So far you have only been a part of the problem.

To bring your problems to a public message board does nothing to be a part of the solution. We have no control or direct input into your working environment.

While some have been gracious enough to offer solutions, you continuously find reasons why the ideas will not work.

Rather than complaining on a message board, why don't you express your concerns to those who do have direct control over your working environment.

I understand you may have spoken to some of these folks already, but this is my suggested list:

1. Your immediate supervisor, (assuming he or she is P/T).
2. Their (and your) friend/T supervisor.
3. Your manager.
4. Your division manager.
5. Your district human resouces manager.
6. Your district manager.

I would be very surprised to see this go beyond your manager, although it should not have to go beyond your P/T supervisor.

How about being a part of the solution and taking the problem to those who can do something about it, rather than to those of us who can do nothing about it.

We'd all appreciate it!



Charlie....Thanks but your suggestions are way too late. I've already done all the things you mentioned and I appreciate them but, whoever said that no one was allowed to ask for help (AKA complaining) on this board? I'm trying to sound nice here but I'll be blunt too. If people don't like reading complaints then why continue to click on the links to threads that they know have them???? Its not hard to skip them. Complaints, and what not, are actually not the problems on this board. Its the people that really go off on others that cause the snowballing effect. I'm not the problem here. Your response is cool except for the fact that you are blaming me for things I haven't caused and I imagine that probably the only people that agree with you that its my fault are the ones that have nothing to do with the arguments and claim to be sick of reading them, yet can't stop reading them and complaining about it. All I've done is start topics that could have been answered logically whether people or agree or not. Or ignored. Continuously reading threads where there are allot of complaints and arguments and getting pissed off about it is the person reading them's fault. Not the people discussing whatever the topic is. We aren't forcing anyone to read them. And antagonizing them and pointing fingers at the ones discussing whatever it is doesn't help and is actually hypocritical. This stuff is happening on probably 90% of the message boards on the web. I won't be complaining about anything anymore but I assure you no matter what I say, or maybe someone else says, on here it will be offensive to one person and not another. People have different opinions. I just don't see why people have to go off about it. Its so much better and seems more interesting when people disagree in a friendly way.

(Message edited by upslocal480 on October 23, 2002)


My friend its not about reading complaints . You need a whole new wardrobe in attitude. You have done nothing but complain since you first showed up on this board. Go in do the best job you can and stop trying to find reasons to be unhappy. Thats the message you really have a hard time excepting.


How easy it is to expose you..."How can I be judged for taking up for myself against people that are only slandering me because I don't fit into their profile of what they think is how every UPS employee should be and think like?"

"My friend its not about reading complaints . You need a whole new wardrobe in attitude. You have done nothing but complain since you first showed up on this board. Go in do the best job you can and stop trying to find reasons to be unhappy. Thats the message you really have a hard time excepting."

Wow that was easy. Opinions are like :censored2:....and everyone has got one. Some just don't know how to differentiate between them and facts. When you can show me one part in the rules for this board that says "no complaining allowed" then you can tell me to stop complaining. If you don't like hearing them then don't continute to read them! Some of you keep saying be a part of the solution or be the problem...well...if the problem is compmlaining then continuously attacking them doesn't help any. Hypocrites are part of the problem too you know. Tieguy....nobody looks for reasons to be unhappy. Not everyone can be happy as long as their are unsafe working conditions that can be fixed but managment refuses to. Not everyone wants to be like you. Thats the message you'll never understand if you don't by now.


Sounds like somebody needs a nap:-)) Just kidding. I have read most all of your lengthy posts and an wondering just how long you have been at UPS, and where it is you want to end up with the company. I would guess you've been there for a short time. Before you begin believing I am one of supposed enemy, as in the management that is causing you so much grief, I assure you I am not. I'm a person who has been working here almost 23 years. Started out unloading trailers, then loading trucks, and now delivering. No doubt about it, this is a tough job. I understand there are times when it just seems like this is the most screwed-up job you could ever possibly have.I also understand that you sometimes feel as if no one is listening. Both may be true at times, but I know for a fact that what a person is able to get across has allot to do with the way they present thier problems to the next person. I have had fits,(don't take that personal), and I have had more fits, and learned some time ago the best way to be heard at work. First, just do your job the best you can. If something is not right, calmly talk with the person that can change it and offer suggestions as to how you feel it can be changed. Most of all, if they blow you off just continue to do your job the best you can and try again later. I know that sounds stupid to you, but if you will try it there will come a time it might just change for you. Sups are just like us. They remember the people that try thier best and they also remember those who gave them that go to hell look when asked to do something that had to be done. It is a business. You will only get respect if you show it. Don't get me wrong, I have been a frustrated as I think you are, but if you plan on retiring with UPS you will have to roll with it better than you are now.
I wish you well.