"Okie Dokie your born and raised Fedex and their 40 stops a day is a full day routine. Its not about talking trash its about a thang called reality dude. The only thing is if you can actually get the chip off your shoulder you'll probably be a lot happier in life. As it is your whining will kill you."
Your reality is your own warped opinion and the only response I should give for your constant "whining" comments is..well...see workinman's last post.
"Workingman if your true brown you know that this fedex reject is never going to be happy at ups."
Now you are attempting to rally others to your sputtering, yet endless, cause because you have realized that you have no real credibility to your claims and have also realized that you have no important, usefull, or intelligent points to add therfore have started resorting to spouting endless insults that in themselves have no credibility. Keep pulling ignorant scenarious our of your ass such as the "40 stops a day" comments, which by the way have absolutely NOTHING do with with anything that has been discussed, and then claim such scenarios as my beatings and maybe you'll eventually get some genuine satisfaction that you have actually contributed to the issue that this thread was actually started for...NAH...you'll still just seem like a prick. Keep up the good work. Oh by they way....its not mine, nor anyone elses, job to be always happy at UPS and for once you are right when you said I'll never be happy at UPS, but you left out one thing...you forgot to say that I wont be happy as long as people like you, people that don't give a crap about what goes on at UPS as long as the numbers come in and out, work at UPS and are running the show.