Being accused of hitting a dog- On Topic


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
I know you all have been eagerly waiting for an update so here it is...

So my center manager sends a text to me and our shop steward letting us know the claim has been officially denied so I am 100% in the clear, perfect. But he also mentioned that now ups is pressing charges against these people!

On the info notice I left on their mailbox, they thought it was a good idea to tamper with it and write a few more things on there.So I originally wrote "Could not drive around because of your dogs and I didn't want to hit them" and after that they added "again... my have hit smaller dog." Not only did they not even come close to my handwriting, but they used like a sharpie to write it where as I used a normal ups pen.

So now ups is pressing charges against them for forgery and insurance fraud!
Holy cow what type of maroon does one have to be.


Retired 23 years
I know you all have been eagerly waiting for an update so here it is...

So my center manager sends a text to me and our shop steward letting us know the claim has been officially denied so I am 100% in the clear, perfect. But he also mentioned that now ups is pressing charges against these people!

On the info notice I left on their mailbox, they thought it was a good idea to tamper with it and write a few more things on there.So I originally wrote "Could not drive around because of your dogs and I didn't want to hit them" and after that they added "again... my have hit smaller dog." Not only did they not even come close to my handwriting, but they used like a sharpie to write it where as I used a normal ups pen.

So now ups is pressing charges against them for forgery and insurance fraud!

nice ending to this story


Huge Member
I know you all have been eagerly waiting for an update so here it is...

So my center manager sends a text to me and our shop steward letting us know the claim has been officially denied so I am 100% in the clear, perfect. But he also mentioned that now ups is pressing charges against these people!

On the info notice I left on their mailbox, they thought it was a good idea to tamper with it and write a few more things on there.So I originally wrote "Could not drive around because of your dogs and I didn't want to hit them" and after that they added "again... my have hit smaller dog." Not only did they not even come close to my handwriting, but they used like a sharpie to write it where as I used a normal ups pen.

So now ups is pressing charges against them for forgery and insurance fraud!

Honestly, any package for these people should be Will Call.
You can't walk down and you can't drive down.
They are a lawsuit waiting to happen.
Your supervisor should be able to get this done if he's competent.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns

Rack em

Made the Podium
Honestly, any package for these people should be Will Call.
You can't walk down and you can't drive down.
They are a lawsuit waiting to happen.
Your supervisor should be able to get this done if he's competent.
They've been on will call since the day after this all happened. I think now their stuff is getting RTS'd.


I'm a star
I know the last post was a year ago, and I don't even know how I came across this thread, but I have to know... if the dog's leg was broken at 11, as the people claimed, how was it running at your car at 4:30? Did these people break their own dog's leg to try to get paid? Please tell me someone ended up in jail for the fraud.

john chesney

Well-Known Member
So today I was on a split route that has stops off of 3 different rural routes. I have covered the routes before so I have delivered all these stops before and never had any problems. This particular address I have delivered to maybe 10 times in the past with no problems. I remember in the past them having a super friendly German shepherd but that's it, but today there was a medium sized dog and a small baby bulldog. They have a long driveway maybe 300 yards from the road but it loops around. Well today there was a truck and 2 other vehicles blocking the loop so I just headed down the left side and planned on doing like a 5 point turn by their garage.

Well I get about 50 yards from their house and these 2 dogs come running up to my truck which I am used to and have experienced it hundreds of times at other stops. The medium sized dog kept a few feet away so I still kept my eye on him, but the little bulldog was running up to the tires and barking non stop. So I crept up going as slow as possible and whenever the bulldog would run to the tires I would stop and wait until I could see him again before moving forward. I stopped and got out of my truck I think 3 times trying to shoo the dogs away from my truck. The whole time I was laying on the horn to scare the dogs away but also so someone would come outside and either get their packages or to call their dogs away from my truck, but that never happened.

I realized I wouldn't be able to turn around at their house with the dogs running up to the truck because I didn't want to accidentally hit one or hit something else because I would be too focused on the dogs. So I just went in reverse for about 100 feet or so until the dogs quit barking and running at my truck. I turned around on a patch of dead grass because I wasn't about to back up 300 some yards and as I started to drive away BOTH dogs started running again, so I sped up so they couldn't catch me and get in front of my truck again. When I got to the end of their driveway, their neighbor was just pulling out too. So I talked to her, told her the situation, and asked her if I should just leave them at their mailbox. She said she didn't know, so to be safe I just NI1'd them. I left at info notice ON THEIR MAILBOX and wrote on it "Could not drive around because of your dogs and I didn't want to hit them"

This happened I think around 3:40ish and I get back to the building a little after 6:00 and I get pulled into the office to read over a customer concern. It says I hit their dog and broke its leg. My supervisor defended me and didn't accuse me of doing anything but they have to investigate it obviously. They didn't charge me with an accident...yet. Apparently these super concerned people didn't even take their dog to the vet and are waiting to take it there tomorrow, even though there is a vet less than 15 minutes away from their house. So my supervisor said they are going to see what the vet says and check my telematics. But I know these people are full of :censored2: because...

1. I am 99% positive I didn't hit any dog because if I would have it would have definitely yelped, especially if it's leg broke. Plus it would have limped away instead of still running around my truck

2. If somehow I did hit it, there is no way it would have ONLY suffered a broken leg.

3. I watched BOTH dogs running at my truck after I turned around as was driving away.

4. My supervisor spoke to the guy on the phone and the guy said he heard the truck and went outside even though he never came outside especially while I was laying on the horn.

5. He also said he took the info notice off his DOOR but I left it over 300 yards away on his MAILBOX.

6. I talked to the driver who normally delivers there and he said he constantly has the same problem with their dogs and he's talked to them about it. On top of that he even had a supervisor riding with him either earlier this week or sometime last week and this happened with a supervisor witnessing it.

So I'm thinking the people are making this up because they are mad I NI1'd their packages? I mean who doesn't take their dog to the vet ASAP if it's leg is broke? If ups tries to charge me with an accident for this I will fight it as long as I can because this is bull:censored2:! I did everything I could do in the situation, but I can't help if a stupid dog in running at my tires. An ex shop steward was in the office with me because our shop steward wasn't there when I got back to the building, and he said there is no way the should try to charge me with an accident for this. He also said this address better a permanent will call now.
Take a deep breath hold it and then let it out. Now don’t change your story and keep it simple. The more you talk the more they can pick apart. Never let them see you sweat it encourages them. Now relax and carry on
So today I was on a split route that has stops off of 3 different rural routes. I have covered the routes before so I have delivered all these stops before and never had any problems. This particular address I have delivered to maybe 10 times in the past with no problems. I remember in the past them having a super friendly German shepherd but that's it, but today there was a medium sized dog and a small baby bulldog. They have a long driveway maybe 300 yards from the road but it loops around. Well today there was a truck and 2 other vehicles blocking the loop so I just headed down the left side and planned on doing like a 5 point turn by their garage.

Well I get about 50 yards from their house and these 2 dogs come running up to my truck which I am used to and have experienced it hundreds of times at other stops. The medium sized dog kept a few feet away so I still kept my eye on him, but the little bulldog was running up to the tires and barking non stop. So I crept up going as slow as possible and whenever the bulldog would run to the tires I would stop and wait until I could see him again before moving forward. I stopped and got out of my truck I think 3 times trying to shoo the dogs away from my truck. The whole time I was laying on the horn to scare the dogs away but also so someone would come outside and either get their packages or to call their dogs away from my truck, but that never happened.

I realized I wouldn't be able to turn around at their house with the dogs running up to the truck because I didn't want to accidentally hit one or hit something else because I would be too focused on the dogs. So I just went in reverse for about 100 feet or so until the dogs quit barking and running at my truck. I turned around on a patch of dead grass because I wasn't about to back up 300 some yards and as I started to drive away BOTH dogs started running again, so I sped up so they couldn't catch me and get in front of my truck again. When I got to the end of their driveway, their neighbor was just pulling out too. So I talked to her, told her the situation, and asked her if I should just leave them at their mailbox. She said she didn't know, so to be safe I just NI1'd them. I left at info notice ON THEIR MAILBOX and wrote on it "Could not drive around because of your dogs and I didn't want to hit them"

This happened I think around 3:40ish and I get back to the building a little after 6:00 and I get pulled into the office to read over a customer concern. It says I hit their dog and broke its leg. My supervisor defended me and didn't accuse me of doing anything but they have to investigate it obviously. They didn't charge me with an accident...yet. Apparently these super concerned people didn't even take their dog to the vet and are waiting to take it there tomorrow, even though there is a vet less than 15 minutes away from their house. So my supervisor said they are going to see what the vet says and check my telematics. But I know these people are full of :censored2: because...

1. I am 99% positive I didn't hit any dog because if I would have it would have definitely yelped, especially if it's leg broke. Plus it would have limped away instead of still running around my truck

2. If somehow I did hit it, there is no way it would have ONLY suffered a broken leg.

3. I watched BOTH dogs running at my truck after I turned around as was driving away.

4. My supervisor spoke to the guy on the phone and the guy said he heard the truck and went outside even though he never came outside especially while I was laying on the horn.

5. He also said he took the info notice off his DOOR but I left it over 300 yards away on his MAILBOX.

6. I talked to the driver who normally delivers there and he said he constantly has the same problem with their dogs and he's talked to them about it. On top of that he even had a supervisor riding with him either earlier this week or sometime last week and this happened with a supervisor witnessing it.

So I'm thinking the people are making this up because they are mad I NI1'd their packages? I mean who doesn't take their dog to the vet ASAP if it's leg is broke? If ups tries to charge me with an accident for this I will fight it as long as I can because this is bull:censored2:! I did everything I could do in the situation, but I can't help if a stupid dog in running at my tires. An ex shop steward was in the office with me because our shop steward wasn't there when I got back to the building, and he said there is no way the should try to charge me with an accident for this. He also said this address better a permanent will call now.

My wife and I have worked in animal care or the animal field for 40 years combined. I can't tell you how many times, especially in boonie land, of when people would fake a dog injury or even hurt the dog themselves to scam companies.

One girl in a small rural town did that about a year before we left the Midwest. She did some crowd funding campaign listing the cost of injuries and got donations. She ended up with an 800 dollar vet bill, put the dog down and pocketed 15k.

Fast forward a couple years there's a woman at my wife's work and she's doing the same thing. Walking her dog on the sidewalk, stopped for someone to pull out, injured the dog herself, called the cops on the driver who she had earlier waved on (the driver stopped anyway to double check when they lost sight of the dog). She is already getting hundreds of dollars from people for a dog she's just gonna decide to kill when the money stops coming.

I could tell you dozens of other pizza drivers and mailman and tow truck drivers. These scammers saw an opening with you and the dog, they probably hit it, and want to sue UPS.
Come to think of it, a few weeks before Thanksgiving there were some first time scammer junkies. It must've been their first time. They has a lot of questions about lawsuits and their stories didn't line up and the injuries were not conducive to a vehicular injury as if was visibly beaten. One of the girls had already called the cops the second she saw beaten bloody terrified animals.