The guy is a "freegrazer", wanting to earn a living off of somebody elses property. I hope the courts ruin this guy and puts him out of business.
I crack up at these yahoos with guns that call themselves a "militia" even though there is no such thing any longer. On the other hand, if they wanted to be a recognized "militia", they would have to comply with the second amendment and the militia act of 1792 and be REGULATED by the US GOVERNMENT.
In the meantime, since there are no longer recognized militias in this country, so these yahoos are nothing more than terrorists with guns attempting to subvert the US Government.
All militia members had to register with the US Government and had to be regulated by ranks.
Cliven Bundy is a deadbeat freegrazer and its just that simple.
Bunch of rednecks all out in the desert being propped up by FOX news and conservative talking heads.
LIke a circus of inbreds with guns.