May 16, 2013. Soberups posts something I can agree with!
You have been too long in the "guns" thread. Sober is actually very level-headed most other places.
May 16, 2013. Soberups posts something I can agree with!
I'm wondering if those who support this judge will also support the revocation of all female drivers licenses and suffrage when a similar mob appears before your state legislators demanding sharia law be implemented or unfettered violence will commence. At what point will the threat of violence no longer cause us to give way to these Islamic extremists.
Seems to me like the protesters were the spoiled little children.
"Fire!" in a crowded theater, Brett. Maybe some day if a group of Muslims in this country behave in such a vile manner, we will see of there is truth to your theory.
Apples and oranges. The first amendment specifies one's right to protest. It does not state specifically one has a right to yell fire in a crowded theatre.
Apples and oranges. The first amendment specifies one's right to protest. It does not state specifically one has a right to yell fire in a crowded theatre.
I think you need to read the Supreme Court ruling. There is a reason one cannot yell "Fire!" in a theater.
unfortunately for you and Texan, the SCOTUS is the body that decides such things and they have.You need to read the first amendment. It does state an individual has the right to protest. Apples and oranges.
unfortunately for you and Texan, the SCOTUS is the body that decides such things and they have.You need to read the first amendment. It does state an individual has the right to protest. Apples and oranges.
Unless the Supreme Court ruling make a distinction between self preservation and voluntary violent responses, then no they have not ruled on this issue.