The fund is not mismanaged. The fund simply needs more members invested. The babyboomers are retiring at a mature contribution rate, and the few newly enrolled are coming in at a much lower contribution rate.
If it's anyone's fault for the fund being in the red (and it is no one's fault for the record) the fault would be with the lead negotiators and business agents of every local in New England that does not make enrollment in the fund a top priority in negotiations. I am guilty of this myself. But now that I know I can help turn it around, you better believe I'm going to do my part.
Members can do their part by talking to other members of their local that are not enrolled, and explaining to them why they need to make enrollment in the NETTIPF a priority. Too many members out there think that a 401k is in the same ball park as a pension. We need to show them that they aren't even the same damn sport...