Got the T-Shirt
You have zero contract knowledge, this is obvious.
I can read just fine and as a bonus we understand both contract language and labor law.
I don't understand why @anHOURover has his panties in a bunch.
The Central Region has had Tues-Sat jobs, since 1973.
(6 years prior to a National contract)
In 1993.... the language was expanded to include Sun-Thur.
"In the case of each full-time seniority employee the standard work week shall be forty (40) hours per week, and the standard workday shall be eight (8) hours per day. Work shall be scheduled for five (5) consecutive days - Monday through Friday or Tuesday through Saturday. An employee may be required to work in excess of an eight (8) hour day or a forty (40) hour week and in that event, he/she shall be compensated at the rate of time and one-half (1 1/2) his/her regular straight-time rate for all hours worked in excess of eight (8) hours in a day or forty (40) hours in a week.
In order for the Employer, the Union and employees to further benefit from expanding service offerings to our customers, it may become necessary to create schedules that differ from those that exist today. Future full-time schedules may be expanded to include Sunday through Thursday."
You can't blame H&H for that one.
Who was the IBT General President.... in 1993 ?
Bueller ?