I guess I just lost all my seniority?

Actually, I'm already collecting my pension from Teamsters, and one from another retirement system, as well as Social Security. I may have already mentioned this, I self-retired when I was 55. I had a private catastrophe health plan, $6000 deductible, for a few hundred dollars a month. When the government decided to make healthcare 'Affordable',, that policy went to over $1000 a month. I had been doing seasonal feeder for about six years, just to have fun driving a truck and make some mad money. An opportunity came up to take a feeder job I was covering because a rural center didn't have a backup feeder driver, and the regular driver had a heart attack right after Thanksgiving. He was eventually disqualified medically, so I was hired as a car washer and put in the backup position while the full-time job went out to bid. It's a whole other story in itself, but I was hosed out of the feeder work and eventually wound up with the PT air position, which was really all I needed.

The reason I continue to work is for the benefits. I don't need the money, but it nice having a couple of extra grand a month of disposable income. I was going to retire at 65, buy learned that because of my age I could work and draw my pension. And, as long as I get 750 hours in, I get a raise in my pension, about $200 a month. If I were to quit, I'd be giving up the money and have to pay for my benefits, which with my wife and myself would be nearly $500 a month. So, for a mere 3.5 hours a day I have extra money, paid benefits, and increase my pension, and the luxury of being able to walk out the door anytime I want to.

To update what has been going on, the customer counter has been permanently shut down, so not being able to take that position has actually worked out for me. I now have the preferred job of scanning packages and loading the trailer and processing the exceptions. Yeah, it's not the cake walk air driving was, but it's not intolerable. Not yet anyway. :-)


Got the T-Shirt
Actually, I'm already collecting my pension from Teamsters, and one from another retirement system, as well as Social Security. I may have already mentioned this, I self-retired when I was 55. I had a private catastrophe health plan, $6000 deductible, for a few hundred dollars a month. When the government decided to make healthcare 'Affordable',, that policy went to over $1000 a month. I had been doing seasonal feeder for about six years, just to have fun driving a truck and make some mad money. An opportunity came up to take a feeder job I was covering because a rural center didn't have a backup feeder driver, and the regular driver had a heart attack right after Thanksgiving. He was eventually disqualified medically, so I was hired as a car washer and put in the backup position while the full-time job went out to bid. It's a whole other story in itself, but I was hosed out of the feeder work and eventually wound up with the PT air position, which was really all I needed.

The reason I continue to work is for the benefits. I don't need the money, but it nice having a couple of extra grand a month of disposable income. I was going to retire at 65, buy learned that because of my age I could work and draw my pension. And, as long as I get 750 hours in, I get a raise in my pension, about $200 a month. If I were to quit, I'd be giving up the money and have to pay for my benefits, which with my wife and myself would be nearly $500 a month. So, for a mere 3.5 hours a day I have extra money, paid benefits, and increase my pension, and the luxury of being able to walk out the door anytime I want to.

To update what has been going on, the customer counter has been permanently shut down, so not being able to take that position has actually worked out for me. I now have the preferred job of scanning packages and loading the trailer and processing the exceptions. Yeah, it's not the cake walk air driving was, but it's not intolerable. Not yet anyway. :-)

So.... you retained your seniority and the Union didn't screw you ?


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
Actually, I'm already collecting my pension from Teamsters, and one from another retirement system, as well as Social Security. I may have already mentioned this, I self-retired when I was 55. I had a private catastrophe health plan, $6000 deductible, for a few hundred dollars a month. When the government decided to make healthcare 'Affordable',, that policy went to over $1000 a month. I had been doing seasonal feeder for about six years, just to have fun driving a truck and make some mad money. An opportunity came up to take a feeder job I was covering because a rural center didn't have a backup feeder driver, and the regular driver had a heart attack right after Thanksgiving. He was eventually disqualified medically, so I was hired as a car washer and put in the backup position while the full-time job went out to bid. It's a whole other story in itself, but I was hosed out of the feeder work and eventually wound up with the PT air position, which was really all I needed.

The reason I continue to work is for the benefits. I don't need the money, but it nice having a couple of extra grand a month of disposable income. I was going to retire at 65, buy learned that because of my age I could work and draw my pension. And, as long as I get 750 hours in, I get a raise in my pension, about $200 a month. If I were to quit, I'd be giving up the money and have to pay for my benefits, which with my wife and myself would be nearly $500 a month. So, for a mere 3.5 hours a day I have extra money, paid benefits, and increase my pension, and the luxury of being able to walk out the door anytime I want to.

To update what has been going on, the customer counter has been permanently shut down, so not being able to take that position has actually worked out for me. I now have the preferred job of scanning packages and loading the trailer and processing the exceptions. Yeah, it's not the cake walk air driving was, but it's not intolerable. Not yet anyway. :-)


I've been doing a PT NDA route for several years and am second on the PT seniority list. Last year I was laid off for a couple of months. After using all my leave time I talked to a BA. He said I should have never been laid off and filed a grievance that they either put me back to work at my position or allow me to bump any PT position in the building that had less seniority than me, which would have been any position. I was put back on the schedule the next week. However, I was only given one pickup so I didn't even come close to my guaranteed hours. So, they had me work the Customer Counter for 1.25 hours a day and started the person working the CC later. A couple of months ago they eliminated all the drop off letter boxes, so they gave my pickups (I had gained one over the year) to the senior NDA driver and told the BA I had to go to the bottom of the seniority list. He got the center manager to agree to let me choose a preferred job, so I chose to work the CC for 3.5 hours. A FT driver position had been posted a couple of weeks prior, and the person who was working the CC after me won the bid. It looked like all was good, until the person who won the bid disqualified himself. This happened while I was on vacation. When I checked the schedule the week before I was to come back, which was this week, I saw I was scheduled to do Local Sort/Car Wash, not CC. Supervisor said that since he had DQed himself he got his job back and I have to do "what's left". I called BA, who called center manager, who then put me back on CC. The steward, who is the senior air driver and hates me with a passion, went over the BA's head and found someone who says that when a position is eliminated, the affected person can't exercise seniority, but bumps the lowest seniority employee and has to wait for a preferred position comes available to bid on. The BA consulted a BA from another local who agreed with that. Next week the highest seniority PT in the building will be doing the bottom of the totem pole job, washing cars. I guess they can take away my seniority away, but they can't change the fact I am the senior employee at age 67.
Brah at 67 years old why are you doing this

I have NOT been lurking

Eat. Sleep. Work. Jork.