Boy Scouts of America changing name and culture after 114 years


Retired 23 years
It used to be a GREAT organization----then they opened it up to girls. Apparently the Girl Scout organization wasn't good enough for the crybabies.


Inordinately Right
It used to be a GREAT organization----then they opened it up to girls. Apparently the Girl Scout organization wasn't good enough for the crybabies.
The gays killed it even before that.

Two decades of constant lawsuits. Pressured all corporate sponsors to not support them. Then they caved, and allowed immorality to redefine the group. That was their end.

When religious groups stopped endorsing them it was all over. Letting girls join is a pathetic last gasp of a dying organization.


Retired 23 years


Retired 23 years
Believe it or not I was a Boy Scout. I worked my way up to where the next step would have been working on becoming an Eagle Scout. Long about 10th grade when I got my drivers license) things went to HELL fast.


Master of Karate and Friendship for Everyone
I used to be in the Civil Air Patrol which is kinda like the Air Force's own version of the Scouts (we'd always joke about having to rescue lost Boy Scouts). After high school I actually continued to be a patron member until National or Wing decided to come in and close the local squadron. Given the current state of the military I can only image how the organization has fallen in the time since.