Bring it DeSantis, give em some high heat


Strength through joy

  • The arrival of 50 Venezuelan migrants on the exclusive holiday island of Martha's Vineyard was met with an outpouring of concern by local people
  • A GoFundMe entitled 'Urgent plea to help Martha's Vineyard migrants' was set up by a New York PR executive, Sarah Goulet
  • The fundraiser generated $43,000 - but the money was given not to the migrants but to a local non-profit with a $16 million fund
  • The money was given to 'the MV Community Foundation, to distribute to the organizations with the most need,' the GoFundMe stated
  • Tucker Carlson mocked the islanders living in a community which was 'just not rich enough' to house the Venezuelans


Well-Known Member
"If the problem is being able to care for illegal immigrants then maybe the state of Florida should have spent the $12 million on, you know, caring for illegal immigrants. Instead of using the money to get earned media for the governor.

Let’s put aside the theology of immigration. Let’s pretend, just for a moment, that Jesus would have nothing to say about whether or not the state should seek to discourage undocumented migrants as a high-level matter of government policy.

Those planes were filled with actual human beings. People with dignity. People with hopes and dreams, problems and challenges. People with names and families.

And this Christian man used them as props. He didn’t clothe the naked or feed the hungry. He literally did the opposite: Evicted them—and not because he felt that he had to, or because it was a requirement of the law. But because he saw that he could use them as a means to the ends of his personal ambition.

I’m trying—really trying—not to get too hot here. But Christians should look at this act and be revolted. They should be horrified.

Because using vulnerable human beings for your personal gratification is evil. Full stop."

J. Last , The Bulmark
You clowns are despicable, you use the Constitution to destroy the Constitution.

Your type attempts to use a teaching of Jesus that was aimed at the individual and try to hold the taxpayers of Florida accountable.
It only exposed your type for the hypocrites you are when the fine people of MV called in the National Guard to as NBC said, 'take out the trash.'

Your type lures them with an open border, you make the whole situation possible.
You invite them with an open border, by extension, your policies enabled them to become homeless and hungry.


Well-Known Member
You clowns are despicable, you use the Constitution to destroy the Constitution.

Your type attempts to use a teaching of Jesus that was aimed at the individual and try to hold the taxpayers of Florida accountable.
It only exposed your type for the hypocrites you are when the fine people of MV called in the National Guard to as NBC said, 'take out the trash.'

Your type lures them with an open border, you make the whole situation possible.
You invite them with an open border, by extension, your policies enabled them to become homeless and hungry.
We’re not the ones who wrap ourselves in the flag, proclaim ourselves the only true Americans and waive the Bible in everyone’s face as the law of the land but then ignore what the book actually teaches.


Well-Known Member
We’re not the ones who wrap ourselves in the flag, proclaim ourselves the only true Americans and waive the Bible in everyone’s face as the law of the land but then ignore what the book actually teaches.
no you're just the one's that finger point at those Bible believing patriots for every single flaw they have. Meanwhile you feel superior and yet are just as flawed.


Well-Known Member
We’re not the ones who wrap ourselves in the flag, proclaim ourselves the only true Americans and waive the Bible in everyone’s face as the law of the land but then ignore what the book actually teaches.
You clowns hate the country, hence Obama claiming the need to fundamentally change it.


Well-Known Member
"If the problem is being able to care for illegal immigrants then maybe the state of Florida should have spent the $12 million on, you know, caring for illegal immigrants. Instead of using the money to get earned media for the governor.

Let’s put aside the theology of immigration. Let’s pretend, just for a moment, that Jesus would have nothing to say about whether or not the state should seek to discourage undocumented migrants as a high-level matter of government policy.

Those planes were filled with actual human beings. People with dignity. People with hopes and dreams, problems and challenges. People with names and families.

And this Christian man used them as props. He didn’t clothe the naked or feed the hungry. He literally did the opposite: Evicted them—and not because he felt that he had to, or because it was a requirement of the law. But because he saw that he could use them as a means to the ends of his personal ambition.

I’m trying—really trying—not to get too hot here. But Christians should look at this act and be revolted. They should be horrified.

Because using vulnerable human beings for your personal gratification is evil. Full stop."

J. Last , The Bulmark


Well-Known Member
We’re not the ones who wrap ourselves in the flag, proclaim ourselves the only true Americans and waive the Bible in everyone’s face as the law of the land but then ignore what the book actually teaches.
If you destroy the country then it's no good to anyone. If you're characterizing letting millions flood in as Christian charity but your true intent is to ultimately create millions of new citizens beholden to the Democratic Party, and tip the balance of power in your favor so that you can completely squelch the opposition, including suppressing Christian expression, you're a liar.

The Dems turned a blind eye to riots all over the country that killed dozens, injured thousands, and caused $2 billion in damage. Even our vice president worked to get rioters released and there has been very little prosecution of those rioters. Same Dems characterized the J6 riot as about the worst thing in U.S. history and hundreds of those participants have languished in jail for over a year in spite of no evidence of injury or damage caused by them. I bring that up because our administration has been flying and busing hundreds of thousands of illegals throughout the country and Dems turn a blind eye to it. But let a Republican governor fly 50 illegals to an elite liberal enclave to give them a taste of their own medicine and all hell breaks loose. And the OP opines about Christian values when his party is constantly hypocritical about even their own liberal, progressive, atheist values. Let's see what the voting public thinks about all of this in November.


IE boogeyman
He’s a Republican.

But he’s a RINO so just go ahead and call him a :censored2:.
if you don't keep up with the trends of your party, then yes you are a DINO/RINO

fiscal conservative + social liberal era has been dead since Romney's failed run and Republican voters finally woke up and realized the Left was coming for them no matter how many retarded compromises they made on gay marriage, abortion, stem cell research, etc.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
On Friday, Massachusetts Gov. Charlie Baker called in the National Guard to end the emergency and relocate the migrants to Joint Base Cape Cod, a military installation on the nearby mainland.

If you clowns view 50 illegal aliens coming to your town as an "emergency" you're in for a rude awakening when your open border policy actually blows up in your face.



Staff member
Lucky we had Governor Baker on the case! We sent two armed soldiers for EACH illegal, and 25 extra armed soldiers to supervise.
When the good people of MV call the governor, things happen!


Well-Known Member
Lucky we had Governor Baker on the case! We sent two armed soldiers for EACH illegal, and 25 extra armed soldiers to supervise.
When the good people of MV call the governor, things happen!
And don't think they didn't, he was the only one large enough with jurisdiction to get it done.
The good people of MV wanted to give the appearance they were welcoming then the phone calls were made to the governor to do their dirty work.
I wouldn't doubt if two of those calls didn't come from Obama and the hero of Vietnam John Kerry.

Excellent post. :thumbup1:


Well-Known Member
We all know the history of Paul Revere's ride, "The British are coming, the British are coming."
For all practical purposes, it was in the same area.

I'm curious who will be credited as being the modern day Paul Revere.

Who rode through the town proclaiming "The Vennies are coming, the Vennies are coming."?


Well-Known Member
For the only reason that it is becoming known that MV can support 100,000 inhabitants I think it should be the policy of at minimum Florida, Texas and Arizona that 1% of the illegal alien entrants be sent to the 1% at MV.

It's only equity, it's only fairness. Pour it on the virtue signaling PO :poop: that the gig is up, we will play by their rules.

Not that it will produce anything but I am going to contact each governor and my House Representative and Senator's and ask them to do the same. If anyone else is inclined to do the same, Thank You in advance.

This :poop: has to end.


Well-Known Member
To add to my previous post, all of the 1% sent to MV must be of the tatted up gang banger variety.
Theme songs, compliments Alice Cooper, I believe he would he would authorize the usage.


Well-Known Member
Agree it was a dick move, but DeSantis made his point.
Those Massachusetts liberals called the governor and had those illegals removed, literally within hours.
125 soldiers to remove 50 people, that was also a dick move.
DeSantis's move was a dick-tated move.
He had to get their attention, he succeeded.