Bring it DeSantis, give em some high heat

PT Stewie

"Big Fella"

El Correcto

god is dead
Sweden is in an upheaval because of this. Are they racist? They took in a lot of Syrians and others and virtue signaled the hell out of it. Then the rapes and other crimes escalated. Cultural values that they didn't share were pushed. Now they're regretting being so generous. And now are trying to reverse what they did. Is it wrong for an ethnic group to want its own country with its own culture? Because that's what most countries are. We let in a million a year legally and they're largely not white. Are we racist for wanting to keep it to a manageable level? Seems to me when someone brings up race it's to bash someone else for not being as good as they are.
All men are created equal.
Sorry if your white Christian values are unamerican.

El Correcto

god is dead
There is a big difference between reasonable immigration reform and let’s not let any non-Europeans in.

One is out of concern for law and order/ the citizens, the other is racist prick nonsense. Ethnostate vs free society.


Well-Known Member
There is a big difference between reasonable immigration reform and let’s not let any non-Europeans in.

One is out of concern for law and order/ the citizens, the other is racist prick nonsense. Ethnostate vs free society.
Except legal immigration is letting mostly non whites in. To the tune of a million a year. Letting millions in illegally swamps our social services. If one of the richest enclaves in the country can't handle 50 people how do you think border towns are handling thousands every day? And those towns are almost entirely Hispanic. Are they racist too? Claiming racism is bogus. A man from Honduras who was released in Jacksonville broke into a home and beat the owner to death. One of many examples of crime that comes with unchecked immigration. Do citizens deserve security? Easy to call people racist but put yourself in their shoes for once.

El Correcto

god is dead
Except legal immigration is letting mostly non whites in. To the tune of a million a year. Letting millions in illegally swamps our social services. If one of the richest enclaves in the country can't handle 50 people how do you think border towns are handling thousands every day? And those towns are almost entirely Hispanic. Are they racist too? Claiming racism is bogus. A man from Honduras who was released in Jacksonville broke into a home and beat the owner to death. One of many examples of crime that comes with unchecked immigration. Do citizens deserve security? Easy to call people racist but put yourself in their shoes for once.
There is a difference between reasonable immigration and let’s not let any non-Europeans in.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
Except legal immigration is letting mostly non whites in. To the tune of a million a year. Letting millions in illegally swamps our social services. If one of the richest enclaves in the country can't handle 50 people how do you think border towns are handling thousands every day? And those towns are almost entirely Hispanic. Are they racist too? Claiming racism is bogus. A man from Honduras who was released in Jacksonville broke into a home and beat the owner to death. One of many examples of crime that comes with unchecked immigration. Do citizens deserve security? Easy to call people racist but put yourself in their shoes for once.
He’s an A-hole.


Well-Known Member
There is a difference between reasonable immigration and let’s not let any non-Europeans in.
Who is saying that? It's rational to think the Dems want to decrease the white population to minority status after it came out in CRT studies that kids were being told whiteness is bad. We've heard that repeatedly since at least 2020. Biden has been constantly talking about white supremacists as the greatest threat to democracy. He makes it sound like white conservatives are running around in brown shirts and jack boots attacking minorities and holding book burnings. It's not white conservatives doing this, it's white liberals and other race hustlers trying to paint that narrative. And apparently you buy into it because you hate Christianity.

El Correcto

god is dead
Who is saying that? It's rational to think the Dems want to decrease the white population to minority status after it came out in CRT studies that kids were being told whiteness is bad. We've heard that repeatedly since at least 2020. Biden has been constantly talking about white supremacists as the greatest threat to democracy. He makes it sound like white conservatives are running around in brown shirts and jack boots attacking minorities and holding book burnings. It's not white conservatives doing this, it's white liberals and other race hustlers trying to paint that narrative. And apparently you buy into it because you hate Christianity.
The guy I called a racist prick is saying that. But apparently it’s okay to call gays all kinds of foul names on here because they are true to reality, yet calling a ethno state loser a racist prick is a personal insult.