Bring it DeSantis, give em some high heat


IE boogeyman
2 more weeks, the walls are closing in, drumpf I mean deSATAN is finished this time


IE boogeyman
I think desantis has shown more promise opposing emergency government lockdowns.
Trump opposed them too but took a Federalist approach to the whole thing

That's fine, but the key should have been letting the States know there would be zero Federal funds to bail them out if they chose economic suicide

Instead we got welfare checks, bailouts, money printing, etc.
I've seen nothing that would lead me to believe DeSantis wouldn't have done the same

That statement shows you have no grasp on either, if you truly believe what you posted.
Nah you're just wrong; they're literally the same policies


Heavily Moderated User, Loves Sailfish
Why did DeSantis hire a Russian connected aviation firm to charter airplanes from a different firm?

Money laundering?


Well-Known Member
Why did DeSantis hire a Russian connected aviation firm to charter airplanes from a different firm?

Money laundering?
Yep. You got him now.
The DeSantis walls are closing in.
You clowns are pathetic.

You like that, I said the dreaded clown word again.


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