Bring it DeSantis, give em some high heat


Well-Known Member
What exactly is it you want? The Berlin Wall across the border and armed guards at the top?
The Berlin Wall was designed to keep East Germans in, not out. A big wall with Border Patrol backing it, which they very much want, to stop the flow of unvetted people and to greatly impede the flow of drugs. Why is this hard to understand? We let in a million a year legally. Amongst the very decent illegals coming up there's also a criminal element that commits a lot of crime including rape and murder. And Biden is letting in people at a record pace.


Well-Known Member
By dangling out being able to enter the U.S. unimpeded the Biden administration is luring millions to risk their lives coming to this country. How many women are raped every day on their journey up here? How many die in hot deserts or at the hands of the coyotes who rob them? Compared to that they're hardly being abused being flown in air conditioned comfort to Martha's Vineyard. And it's been well documented that the administration was flying migrants all over the country as well as busing them. OK for them but if governors start sending them to so called sanctuary cities or havens for the liberal elites then suddenly it's a crime against humanity. If Texas and Arizona have to suffer dealing with the huge numbers of illegals then the people who enable this and claim they care so much should bear the burden also.
Screw em, I'm to old to play :poop: with them.


Well-Known Member
Tonight I heard so many talking head complain about migrants being removed from the border & sent elsewhere.
Well, every place they have been sent is on one of our borders.
I think many need a geography lesson.
Ocean fronts are a border.
Those clowns are waitin for the proper Brits to hit the shore again runnin from their Muslim invasion.
Just speakin the truth.


Well-Known Member
Tonight I heard so many talking head complain about migrants being removed from the border & sent elsewhere.
Well, every place they have been sent is on one of our borders.
I think many need a geography lesson.
Ocean fronts are a border.

Some of the problem is the places getting these migrants aren't getting any notice at all. None. Not even a 30 or 60 minute warning to have people/law enforcement waiting at the arrival spot.

However Fox News crews are there waiting as are DeSantis' videographers.


Well-Known Member
Some of the problem is the places getting these migrants aren't getting any notice at all. None. Not even a 30 or 60 minute warning to have people/law enforcement waiting at the arrival spot.

However Fox News crews are there waiting as are DeSantis' videographers.
This is rich after months of illegals being flown at taxpayer expense to airports in the middle of the night and being released with a notice to appear months down the road. Was it ok when they were being dropped off in Florida or Tennessee with no notice? One of them dropped off in Jacksonville broke into a man's home and murdered him.


Well-Known Member
Local Boston media screwed up tonight.
For an interview with one of the migrants tonight the translator could not understand what was being said.
He was stumbling for words , " I think he means.....".
I heard a great interview, Dude said the border was open, and basically they all knew it. aid some more, can't remember it though.
I thought Kamala just said the border was closed?