To answer your question, NO.
Those elected officials work for us. They are suppose to represent "our" collective best interests first. AT NO TIME, before they made the deal with UPS, did they CONSULT with the membership. They had an OBLIGATION to consult with us in each local first, along with a full debate on all issues. Afterwards, if the membership in the majority believed this process should have gone forward, then they go back to the company and they agree.
Instead, they came to us pounding their fists assuring us that "we wont pay $90./$9./.09 cents".... instead, they brought to 140,000 working UPS teamsters a plan that will cost members over $2000.00 dollars a year.
As for the Two man meetings, those are merely political. As if "OUR" principle officer, Ron H actually had the balls to go against the IBT when he sits on the International board as a trustee is laughable at best.
Of course he and Jay raised their hands and voted YES. That doesnt make it the right decision. Its just something they are obligated to do because they are in too deep in Union politics and forgot about the membership they were suppose to protect.
This hasnt gone unnoticed in our local amongst the members.
Just because the International believed they settled the deal at great expense to the members doesnt mean that "WE" have to support that idea. That's not what solidarity is all about.
The Teamsters knew that taking away the health benefits of the members in the southwest and local 177 would create a huge blowback, so another plan had to be worked out with the company to counter this blowback.
After making promises to the membership here in the southwest of not paying 90/9/09, the Teamsters knew they would put the principle officers in jeopardy, so they needed help from the company. By extending the progression of all part timers to 4 years, and diverting the monies that would have been paid to those part timers as NEW raises, the International knew it could market one region against the other.
This has gone unnoticed by many on this board and around the country.
The fact that the principle officers voted unanimously amounts to nothing when put into perspective. "WE" the members should have the final say on whats offered and what isnt. "WE" in the southwest and in local 177 NEVER authorized the International to bargain away our health care benefits.
"WE" can only "take into account" a unanimous approval once all the facts are out in the open. No matter how this contract goes down in the next 72 hours, UPS will have over 140,000 pissed off employees looking for some payback.
Ok, fine. You want to charge us for a ridiculous health care plan that doesnt come close to what we have today? OK, drivers will just extend their days and make up the difference in premiums. That will end up costing the company more money than if they just continued paying for it.
Secondly, those principle officers who sold us out will face the blowback of that decision at the ballot box. This I assure you. Its the talk of the yards ALREADY in our local. We already have retirees who are coming together to group into campaigning committees to oust our local officers.
There is going to be a huge blowback in our local if this contract is ratified.
To say that "we" should have just voted yes, because the idiots involved sold us out is just plain silly.
"WE" were never put first by the International or its officers. The international put itself first and it shows in the new language. Anyone who believes that extending the part time progression rate another year helps the part timer needs to have his head examined, then punched out.