I have often wondered about that. Perhaps Cheryl could answer this.
I have noticed we have 6 new moderators. Is it coincidence that six new moderators appear about the time this warning was issued?
God forbid that our frequent management poster become a moderator! Would he delete people he didn't like and posts that he considered blasphemous?
Yep, it's a coincidence... believe it or not. Last night I asked 8 people to be forum moderators. 7 of them I don't know personally but I do believe, based upon their history here, that they have the personal integrity to behave in an unbiased and professional manner when moderating the board. The eighth one I am married to and he wouldn't do anything stupid, I know where he lives...
Lighten up everyone. These are good people that have established themselves here, they have good histories. They aren't corporate spies and are actually doing our community a huge favor by screening out spammers and welcoming new members.
If your only experience with this site is a look at this thread then the timing looks weird. Brown Cafe has been around since 1999 and we've proven ourselves to be reliable. I personally guarantee it is a total coincidence. I've got a lot more liability riding on this than any of you do and these moderators are people that I have chosen to put my confidence in.
You all know I never edit the content of your posts. I only edit out inappropriate content, identifying information and spam. If you start a flame I hope to put it out. That's all. That's what they will do too. It's all for your benefit so don't start making up conspiracy theories...
Coincidence? I am sure it is. . . unless you think UPS and Cheryl have been planning something for some time. Most moderators on forums are there to keep things clean not spy. I have a friend who is one on a hockey site and all he does is remove foul language and try to keep the board upbeat (which is hard after your team loses!) I have never heard this site mentioned at work so we didn't get the warning.
The timing is very odd but I have had no communication about a pcm or anything related to this site from anyone that I know that has ever worked for UPS, including retirees.
Isn't there a program that can glean our IP address from our posts? I swear someone did that before (Susie, maybe?)
Then it would be a simple matter to compare BrownCafe IPs to known IPs at UPSers.com. Do they know who we all are already?
If anyone else knows a program that can look up ips from our server then please warn us all. This has been talked about here several times over the past 7 years and no one has ever said that they had actually found a program to do that. I don't believe that it is possible. How about you techs? any takers?