10 point we all know this is far from the first time and surely not the last time UPS has and will continue to display retaliation and dishonesty against members who actually have the balls to stand up to management. Whether it be done with the filing of grievances or a show of what they consider insubordination and being a non-conformist, revealing the inner workings of the UPS production-pushing harassment machine to the public and the toll it has been taking on the loyalist, hardest working people in the package delivery industry needs to be done. I don't knock the guy who chooses to run his route off nor do I care about the guys who run my route off when I'm not in, but I'd be lying if I told everyone I haven't warned them that their actions at some point will go from being viewed as favorable and accepted by management to be used against them as soon as management feels you are not puckering up and flips it on them as being unsafe and not following methods and procedure. Just last week I was out and cover driver did not fill-up truck and left empty, did not fill out dvir, did not sign or turn in high value documents just leaving in back of truck, blew off a call tag for customer that had left pkg out all day and sheeted as not ready, and several other methods and procedures that were not followed and if had been discovered or dug up by management on me, lets just say there would be champagne flowing and cigars being handed out. I explain to them I was once in their position. There are many ways to "skin a cat" in due time and it is in the best interests of Local 804 and all the members to stand together and support each other in this time of need. Remember "IN UNITY THERE IS STRENGTH"! With that said I believe the time has come to commence drinking. I'll print out my "BPABH", beers per at bar hour and "O/S", over-served reports for managment to scrutinize on monday.