By Invitation Only


nowhere special
He's got a bender alright...

What I heard.


cap'n crunch
I was hospitalized a couple of years ago. I didn't sleep for several days. The doctor prescribed ambien for me. There was a mistake made and I got a dose of it, and the next shift nurse came on and gave me a second dose of it shortly after the first. I don't remember a lot except I thought I was being held hostage against my will. I threatened to kill a male nurse who was on duty at the time. They restrained me to my bed. I scared the bejabbers out of everyone there, including my wife. I only remember about 10% of what happened. No more ambien for me.


Nine Lives
I was hospitalized a couple of years ago. I didn't sleep for several days. The doctor prescribed ambien for me. There was a mistake made and I got a dose of it, and the next shift nurse came on and gave me a second dose of it shortly after the first. I don't remember a lot except I thought I was being held hostage against my will. I threatened to kill a male nurse who was on duty at the time. They restrained me to my bed. I scared the bejabbers out of everyone there, including my wife. I only remember about 10% of what happened. No more ambien for me.
I'm surprised it's still on the market.