By Invitation Only


nowhere special


Resident Suit
120 or so. Three and sometimes 4 flights a day. You have to realize with all our area lakes , resorts, golf courses, NHRA drag strip, etc--- we are a tourist destination. On weekends it is bumper to bumper traffic to here and back to Mpls. The local airport is capable of handling almost any size plane up to but not including the jumbos.
I figured the tourism was limited to the city slickers from the cities with boats. Never thought about the track


Resident Suit
Takes 22 minutes from lift off to touch down BUT by the time you arrive at the airport early,clear security, board, de-ice in the winter (one time it took 50 minutes just to de-ice), taxi, wait for a gate at the other end, and de-plane you could easily drive to Mpls quicker. We fly it because the cost of parking a car at the airport in Mpls. for 2 weeks ( the time we always go to Texas) is more than a ticket to fly there. Parking at the local airport is free. Flying sucks---it used to be fun but no more.
Oh I know that Minneapolis parking. It's atrocious.