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Staff member
Just for me and the wife. A smaller one. Like 5 Put it on around 11 am. Took it off around 6. Let it rest for an hour in a towel before pulling it.

Last one I did was Mothers' Day. Fifteen pounds and 9 1/2 hours.

We ended up freezing half of it after we pulled it. Got it out Sunday and I did three racks of St. Louis style ribs. Good eating!

(BTW, pulled pork does freeze beautifully. Once thawed, warmed and sauced, it tastes just as good as fresh.)


Fight the power.
Last one I did was Mothers' Day. Fifteen pounds and 9 1/2 hours.

We ended up freezing half of it after we pulled it. Got it out Sunday and I did three racks of St. Louis style ribs. Good eating!

(BTW, pulled pork does freeze beautifully. Once thawed, warmed and sauced, it tastes just as good as fresh.)
I'm about to prep two racks of baby backs right now.


Fight the power.


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
She bought Smithfield St. Louis style ribs (that's what the cryo pack label said).

I've never seen meatier ribs in my life. Almost like a small pork chop, but tastier.
That's why I only Cook St. Louis style.

When cooked properly and the membrane is removed I feel they're just as tender as baby backs.