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BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns

Over 70

Well-Known Member
FYI, pulled pork freezes beautifully, and tastes just as good if not better thawed and reheated.

Amen brother, I have a wesson pro 2300 vac sealer and do exactly that. I've even vac sealed entire racks of ribs slightly under done to throw over the campfire and finish up on trips. The ribs aren't quite as good but better than 99% of campfire food.


Never bought my own handtruck
Amen brother, I have a wesson pro 2300 vac sealer and do exactly that. I've even vac sealed entire racks of ribs slightly under done to throw over the campfire and finish up on trips. The ribs aren't quite as good but better than 99% of campfire food.
Yo Mo, you need an avatar....

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
Amen brother, I have a wesson pro 2300 vac sealer and do exactly that. I've even vac sealed entire racks of ribs slightly under done to throw over the campfire and finish up on trips. The ribs aren't quite as good but better than 99% of campfire food.
What part of the country are you in?