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Virescit Vulnere Virtus
I grew up with my mom and dad listening to big bands.

I still love big bands.

My sons grew up with us listening to early to mid 70's rock.

The youngest still loves early to mid 70's rock, along with his own choices.
Some of my fondest memories as a little girl are dancing with my dad to Big Band music.


Staff member
No it was fripp, Greg lake for the first two albums then wetton came in for the rest of the 70's era


I was thinking Santana and should have been thinking Lake.

Saw ELP locally once in a college gym.

Great show. MOOG got tossed off the stage. I was deaf for at least a week after.


Resident Suit
No one I know is dumb enough to ice fish that way. That must be a NY thing. Around here almost everyone has some version of this:

Ice doesn't get think enough out here for that stuff. Where I am there is really only a few weeks a year you can ice fish safely


Fight the power.
I grew up with my mom and dad listening to big bands.

I still love big bands.

My sons grew up with us listening to early to mid 70's rock.

The youngest still loves early to mid 70's rock, along with his own choices.
I grew up listening to early to mid 70's rock. I still love listening to early to mid 70's rock....


Staff member
I like Blind Faith/Steve Winwood but I never listened to Humble Pie much. I always thought of them as more what its members later did.

Stevie Winwood got his start in his mid-teens with the Spencer Davis Group out of Detroit.

One of the best ever.
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