By Invitation Only


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
14 hours on the pole. Like that's something special. @MyTripisCut sister could do 14 hours on a pole in her sleep.

hehe xd

Well-Known Member
I agree. There are standards that responsible adults and or people in leadership roles are supposed to abide by. They should just know better.
Which is why I don't read half of @hehe xd 's threads, I'd never want his stupid titles to be in my account viewing history. I'm no where near leadership or anything but one day I might and I'd hate to have a record of commenting on something unbecoming.
baby boy krabs


Resident Suit
You have to have successes before you can celebrate successes. Passing millions of $$ to the enemy the night before you leave is not a's a sneaky rat-type movement!!
Yeah instead Trump sells military equipment in plain sight to countries like Qatar and Saudi Arabia who finance terrorists.

But hey, I guess if we can employ some people and get some money from them to help pay for the FBI agents that are tracking the terrorists we win in the end, right?