Operational needs
Virescit Vulnere Virtus
Looks like a Uhaul parking lot. Lol.
Looks like ...well......
Toronto is supposed to be an absolute blast
Go live there.Toronto is a great city.
Buffalo is not a great city.
The two are nothing alike.
You will love the 401——drive as fast as you want.
Pull to the side of the road woman!I can hear emergency vehicles coming from everywhere.
I’m sitting at a guard shack across the road trying to get in a PITA secured facility.Pull to the side of the road woman!
That’s not very nice Dave. I’m trying to be helpful. Your being hateful. I’m trying to make your life better.
HeHeXd failed his driver test???
God you would truly be helpless as a bachelor.When I go in there I can’t find s*. I have to call the wife like 3 times and sometimes leave whiout what she even sent me there for. I know where the butcher and the beer is. Other than that , no.
And broke because he’d be paying everyone to do everything for him. Same with @Big Arrow Down...D.God you would truly be helpless as a bachelor.