By Invitation Only


I started this.
Staff member
Just came from me grandmothers funeral. Wanted a nice fire and cigar, got rained on. Got made fun of for lawn maintenance. Peak just around the corner, halfway done a stupid career at UPS. Other than that, I’m great. Great family and all healthy!
Hey. I appreciate you. I am sorry for your loss. Please, ignore the haters. You are a good guy.

Did he leave out the part where they put Grandma on ice so they could go to Disney and then bury her when they got back?
@UpstateNYUPSer Back off. I am very serious. Low blow. Disappointed in you.


Fight the power.
Just came from me grandmothers funeral. Wanted a nice fire and cigar, got rained on. Got made fun of for lawn maintenance. Peak just around the corner, halfway done a stupid career at UPS. Other than that, I’m great. Great family and all healthy!
Hang in there brother This 2 shall pass. I love ya man. You know this. We are all in this together man. Your good. I promise.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
Aspbergers syndrome

Seriously you need to get checked out