By Invitation Only


nowhere special
missed it by approx. 380 miles
missed it.gif


Resident Suit
Walking out the door this morning

“Don’t forget my friend’s wedding is on Saturday!!”

Just what I want. To go to a wedding on a Saturday during peak. Who the hell gets married in December?

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
Walking out the door this morning

“Don’t forget my friend’s wedding is on Saturday!!”

Just what I want. To go to a wedding on a Saturday during peak. Who the hell gets married in December?
People NOT in the package delivery business. Question is, how will you be able to go? Are y’all not working this Saturday? We are mandated to, also next Saturday.


Resident Suit
People NOT in the package delivery business. Question is, how will you be able to go? Are y’all not working this Saturday? We are mandated to, also next Saturday.
I’m not scheduled to work as of right now. And even if I was, I’d just work and then go to the reception and skip the Church.

I already have my ticket to heaven punched anyways

el blanco

Walking out the door this morning

“Don’t forget my friend’s wedding is on Saturday!!”

Just what I want. To go to a wedding on a Saturday during peak. Who the hell gets married in December?

Accept that this particular state of affairs is inevitable.

This will happen many times during your marriage.

You can never predict it, and you will always be blindsided.