By Invitation Only


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
O lord. Lol. Who did you offend this time?
Just pissed off the wife.

I was HANGRY hadn't eating since 10 am. Was craving a big juicy ribeye from Texas Roadhouse. Ok we are set to go. It's a 45 minute drive. We finally get out the door half an hour after we are supposed to. Wife wouldn't quit playing video games.

We forgot they do call ahead seating until we were about 20 minutes away but we called in then. Ok they gave us our buzzer number. I asked if they said how long. Nope.

Get there it's a :censored2:ing madhouse. Cars and trucks parked in the grass. Guess it was homecoming. I'm thinking yeah we aren't gonna stay. They tell us 15-20 minutes. Oh ok not bad. After 20 minutes they were still 25 buzzer numbers away from ours my stomach was eating itself and Ava was getting restless with no room to roam.

I told the wife :censored2: this we are leaving. Slammed their buzzer on the counter and said you should of told me it was going be over a :censored2:ing hour wait when I called in and I would of just said nevermind.

Left and got a sandwich at McAllisters


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
I was reading everything they’re doing and I was like, WTF!? I mean, seriously, basing their insurance payments on household income??? I’ve never heard of anything like that except for government programs.
Our county job here used to be really good. Few years ago they capped what they'll pay for insurance and the employee makes up the rest. So basically the job gets worse every year and the county has little incentive anymore to shop for better rates.

All while the house we bought has had its property taxes double in 5 years. Someone is lining their pockets.


Fight the power.
Just :censored2: off the wife.

I was HANGRY hadn't eating since 10 am. Was craving a big juicy ribeye from Texas Roadhouse. Ok we are set to go. It's a 45 minute drive. We finally get out the door half an hour after we are supposed to. Wife wouldn't quit playing video games.

We forgot they do call ahead seating until we were about 20 minutes away but we called in then. Ok they gave us our buzzer number. I asked if they said how long. Nope.

Get there it's a :censored2:ing madhouse. Cars and trucks parked in the grass. Guess it was homecoming. I'm thinking yeah we aren't gonna stay. They tell us 15-20 minutes. Oh ok not bad. After 20 minutes they were still 25 buzzer numbers away from ours my stomach was eating itself and Ava was getting restless with no room to roam.

I told the wife :censored2: this we are leaving. Slammed their buzzer on the counter and said you should of told me it was going be over a :censored2:ing hour wait when I called in and I would of just said nevermind.

Left and got a sandwich at McAllisters
Honestly brother have had that same exact thing happen at same exact restaurant!! Swear to god. Was a couple years ago and we went with our neighbor who had a daughter Ava’s age. I feel your pain. I remember that like it was yesterday.


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
Thanks for asking friend. Tried out a new little Mexican place. A meal that should have been maybe 15 cost 55 cause they served it in fancy plates and drizzled stiluff over the top. Newsfash. You can’t charge $55 for tacos and stay in business.
I've always wondered why you never see fancy Mexican restaurants. Guess it's cause D*heads like you think Mexican and think cheap. Lol


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
Honestly brother have had that same exact thing happen at same exact restaurant!! Swear to god. Was a couple years ago and we went with our neighbor who had a daughter Ava’s age. I feel your pain. I remember that like it was yesterday.
Well then I blamed my wife for not leaving when we were supposed to and you know things just went great from there.

She's been in the bedroom since we got home and I've been downstairs. Lol


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
What game was she playing?
Zelda. Got her a Nintendo switch for Xmas.

She could of just played on the drive but she's oblivious to time or anything happening around her while she's playing.

So conversations go like this

Connie it's 5:15 we need to leave soon

Connie it's 5:30 find a save point we have to go
