By Invitation Only

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
There is a stretch of road near me where there are literally hundreds of laborers milling around daily. I was looking for an address a while back. I pulled into a parking lot to update my GPS, and looked up to see 20 men running towards my pickup. Scared the :censored2: out of me. You name your price per hour. If they won't accept that, they will walk away. Most won't.
They’re great movers. I learned that with this last move. I’ll get a few the next time I move also.


nowhere special
I would do it on a heartbeat if I had extra money. Especially to clean my bathrooms. Hate cleaning bathrooms.


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
You’ll get there one day. At least y’all are smart enough not to go hog wild with spending.
I mean we obviously spend. It's just if that money was going towards a mansion people would understand.

It's a family farm so I think most assume it was given to us. Student loans you have nothing physical to show for it.

But in a year we should be under 100k on the student loans. Wife will probably get blackout drunk the day she pays those off.


nowhere special
The last guy who helped me kept talking about how lazy the Puerto Ricans in NYC are. He said, They’re always wanting something free and doing no work. Lol.

There is a hierarchy among the Hispanics. Mexicans at the top and Central Americans at the bottom. Puerto Ricans are somewhere in between.