By Invitation Only

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
Lidl - Wikipedia

Have you guys heard of this grocery store? They’re opening stores all around the area here. I went to the new one near me yesterday. Pretty much the same concept as Aldi’s but the quality seems better. Kind of like comparing Costco to Sams Club. A lot of organic things. Very cheap prices on most things. And their croissants are amazing. Lol.

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
Lidl - Wikipedia

Have you guys heard of this grocery store? They’re opening stores all around the area here. I went to the new one near me yesterday. Pretty much the same concept as Aldi’s but the quality seems better. Kind of like comparing Costco to Sams Club. Very cheap prices on mists things. And their croissants are amazing. Lol.
Oh, and you don’t need a quarter for the shopping cart.


nowhere special
Lidl - Wikipedia

Have you guys heard of this grocery store? They’re opening stores all around the area here. I went to the new one near me yesterday. Pretty much the same concept as Aldi’s but the quality seems better. Kind of like comparing Costco to Sams Club. A lot of organic things. Very cheap prices on most things. And their croissants are amazing. Lol.

I have heard of it. I think an Aldi clone. I don't know of any stores around here.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
"Sorry Aunt Martha, but I need to go to Disney"!
