By Invitation Only


Never bought my own handtruck
We had the balsamic fig chicken tonight. It was pretty good. I even liked the fig sauce. We don’t usually like sweet potatoes but the way they were cooked wasn’t too bad.

That was our last meal.
Had that one Saturday. I’ve like them all so far. Yous two sound like picky eaters. I like the variety each week.

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
Had that one Saturday. I’ve like them all so far. Yous two sound like picky eaters. I like the variety each week.
Lol. Not that picky. We’ve tried everything even if it was something we don’t normally like. The stuffed peppers was the only thing she didn’t like. I liked everything, some more than others. It’s interesting the ingredients they have you mixing. Things I never would have thought of.


nowhere special
Lol. Not that picky. We’ve tried everything even if it was something we don’t normally like. The stuffed peppers was the only thing she didn’t like. I liked everything, some more than others. It’s interesting the ingredients they have you mixing. Things I never would have thought of.

Its hard to mess up stuffed peppers.


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
How the :censored2: do restaurants claim
To have unsweet tea but not sweet?

Me: ok here's what you do. When that unsweetened tea finishes up and is still hot you pour what you think is an ungodly amount of sugar in it ( this is a restaurant I know you got sugar back there somewhere) then you add two more cups.

Looky there you got sweet tea now.


Staff member
How the :censored2: do restaurants claim
To have unsweet tea but not sweet?

Me: ok here's what you do. When that unsweetened tea finishes up and is still hot you pour what you think is an ungodly amount of sugar in it ( this is a restaurant I know you got sugar back there somewhere) then you add two more cups.

Looky there you got sweet tea now.

That sweet crap will kill you.


Retired 23 years
In 1950 unless you wanted a hard backhand I'd suggest you follow these rules

A lot of families were like this but not in all households. My Mom and Dad both worked full time and they both did their fair share of cleaning and cooking. I was raised that way also. My wife can leave me for weeks at a time and I survive fine thank you. When she returns there are no mountains of dishes or laundry waiting. As an added bonus my Grandmother taught me how to mend socks.


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
My wife after watching lots of Asian Americans compete last night in the figure skating....

Her: geez are there any actual Americans on the Olympic team

Me: geeeeeezus racist much