By Invitation Only

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
It is believed the crisis began on Wednesday — the day DHL took over delivery duties — triggered by an accident that shut the M6 and caused traffic gridlock.

An insider said: “Some DHL lorries were sat in traffic for hours and it kick-started a huge backlog of deliveries.

“They couldn’t get enough drivers together to clear the backlog then in the chaos trucks were delivering wrong stock or out-of-date stock which had to be sent back.

“It’s a logistical nightmare for DHL. They just didn’t have the set-up to deal with it.”

The DHL depot at Rugby, Warwicks, was yesterday described as “total mayhem” — with pictures showing thousands of trays of chicken waiting to be loaded on lorries.

The shortage started to bite at KFC outlets on Friday. It worsened over the weekend and by yesterday the system had collapsed completely.
Hundreds of KFCs shut after chicken shortages and could be costing £1m a day

What a waste. All that chicken sitting and quickly going bad.