By Invitation Only


Hoopah drives the boat Chief !!
For the record , I was kidding about @MyTripisCut , he and his family would always be welcome at my camp in Maine , just leave the Yankee hat and shirt at home ,, people have been known to have gone missing in Maine ,, sort of like Newjesey

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
You ain’t kidding
Have you seen that Chick fil A commercial where the little girl is putting her daddy’s hair in rubber bands while he’s happily sitting there eating a breakfast sandwich? At the end she takes his picture and says, You look amazing! One of the cutest commercials ever. Lol.


nowhere special

@Operational needs ?


Hoopah drives the boat Chief !!
Have you seen that Chick fil A commercial where the little girl is putting her daddy’s hair in rubber bands while he’s happily sitting there eating a breakfast sandwich? At the end she takes his picture and says, You look amazing! One of the cutest commercials ever. Lol.
No I’d probably melt if I see it