By Invitation Only


nowhere special
One time, I was made to go out at 11 pm to buy hair gel! Stupid hair gel! It was the night before Homecoming, and they all were in full drama mode!

@MyTripisCut or @Monkey Butt brand?



Hoopah drives the boat Chief !!
One time, I was made to go out at 11 pm to buy hair gel! Stupid hair gel! It was the night before Homecoming, and they all were in full drama mode!
One nite I half asleep on couch after a fun 12 hr day
7yr old daughter calls from her camping trip with neighbors
Tells wife , I only want to talk to daddy !!’
She’s crying hysterically, daddy I want to come home !!
Up and out in 5 mins
2 hrs to NH
Biggest hug I ever got , held my hand almost all the way home
Back to work next day , Little sleep but well worth it

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
One nite I half asleep on couch after a fun 12 hr day
7yr old daughter calls from her camping trip with neighbors
Tells wife , I only want to talk to daddy !!’
She’s crying hysterically, daddy I want to come home !!
Up and out in 5 mins
2 hrs to NH
Biggest hug I ever got , held my hand almost all the way home
Back to work next day , Little sleep but well worth it
Aww. That sweet. She knows she can always count on her daddy. My youngest would never call her dad for something like that. She knows she can only count on him for empty promises and occasionally money.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
One nite I half asleep on couch after a fun 12 hr day
7yr old daughter calls from her camping trip with neighbors
Tells wife , I only want to talk to daddy !!’
She’s crying hysterically, daddy I want to come home !!
Up and out in 5 mins
2 hrs to NH
Biggest hug I ever got , held my hand almost all the way home
Back to work next day , Little sleep but well worth it
I would have sent the wife.