By Invitation Only


nowhere special
I can't drink milk if it has been in the fridge more than a couple of days. It has to be super fresh or I can't stand it. My wife was funny about bread that was more than a couple of days old that was fine to me.


nowhere special


golden ticket member
I can't drink milk if it has been in the fridge more than a couple of days. It has to be super fresh or I can't stand it. My wife was funny about bread that was more than a couple of days old that was fine to me.
All bread immediately goes into the freezer and I pull out the slices I need. I used to throw half-loaves away, now there's no waste.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
How about what I call " the cereal smidgen". This genius will leave a very small amount of cereal in the box as not to have to deal with disposal.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
The Corn-Butter Mutilation Person - This person is too lazy to use a knife in order to butter corn. They rather ruin the whole stick of butter by rolling.