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Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
Pop riveter on standby.
Maybe you know... my Sprinter has had a problem for a week or so. When accelerating from a stand still, especially going up a hill, it all the sudden looses power almost as if it’s starving for gas. Feels like it might shut off. Mechanic replaced fuel and air filters and something else. Still the same problem. It’s not as bad if I ease into it. Any ideas?


Amatuer Malthusian
Maybe you know... my Sprinter has had a problem for a week or so. When accelerating from a stand still, especially going up a hill, it all the sudden looses power almost as if it’s starving for gas. Feels like it might shut off. Mechanic replaced fuel and air filters and something else. Still the same problem. It’s not as bad if I ease into it. Any ideas?
Scrap pile.


Retired 23 years
Don't know where this low clearance overpass is, but it has a camera, youtube channel and a website dedicated to the drivers who ignore the warning signs. Some of them are pretty comical.

Seriously? Would it be too much to ask to either lower the road bed or raise the bridge a foot or two? They have to realize what a problem spot that is. That's a lot of carnage.
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