By Invitation Only


nowhere special
@Turdferguson getting :censored2: faced?


Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
I don't even know honestly. But there's lots of them around here. Like a poor mans elks lodge I think.
I just looked them up on Wiki. They have had some very notable members among them presidents like Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan. Also, some other guy named Jimmy Hoffa. Ever heard of him? Lol. And they helped start Mothers Day and were the impetus for Social Security.


nowhere special
I just looked them up on Wiki. They have had some very notable members among them presidents like Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan. Also, some other guy named Jimmy Hoffa. Ever heard of him? Lol. And they helped start Mothers Day and were the impetus for Social Security.
Its a lodge a lot like American Legion/Elks hybrid. Tends to have a lack of minorities.


nowhere special
I just looked them up on Wiki. They have had some very notable members among them presidents like Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan. Also, some other guy named Jimmy Hoffa. Ever heard of him? Lol. And they helped start Mothers Day and were the impetus for Social Security.

At one point the qualifications for membership were that one must be 21 years old, possess a good character, not be a Communist and be a Caucasian. By the late 1970s the all white provision had officially been rescinded, but, because the Order used the blackball to admit new members, it was difficult for minorities to gain membership. In 1979 the FOE tried to get a lawsuit dismissed that alleged it was violating the Civil Rights Act of 1964 by not allowing African Americans to use their athletic facilities. The article stated that a local Eagle official could only cite Joe Louis as a black member of the FOE
Fraternal Order of Eagles - Wikipedia