By Invitation Only


nowhere special


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
What is there weight limit? I assume adults don't ride them, unless they are drunk.:wink-very: Oh, and what is there life span?

Cute, looks like she really appreciates them.
She woke up this morning and within 2 minutes was neighing and wanting to see them lol

100 lbs or less you could ride them occasionally but nothing over 75 I'd say consistently.

Can live up to 40 years.


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
Bitcoin scammers target wealthy, threaten to expose 'secret'

These guys tried this on @Brownslave688 .....

“@Brownslave688 , we know you were involved in a group orgy last night with neighbors, if you don’t give us all your bitcoin, we will tell your wife.”

@Brownslave688 - “go ahead and tell her, but I’m pretty sure she will remember, she was the guest of honor........lmao”

Omg can we please stop with the "hard to track" nonsense.

It's super easy to track. That's why everyone that uses it illegally gets caught. Smh