By Invitation Only


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I'm at the hospital with my wife for her surgery and BOOM!!!





This right here is the only reason you and your wife need to move here.

Does your wife's hospital have such literary classics?


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Are you guys supposed to get hit with that blizzard?

No, just your average middle of April spring day.


Its not a blizzard until the highway closed bars come down.

The Easter Bunny did however cancel Easter here as his little bunny nuts froze to the sidewalk and were subsequently crushed by the only vehicles out in this weather..

..the UPS truck.


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
Today there will be 5 accidents ;)
Day 1 went really good. Day 2 was a disaster. Of course it was wife and I had her all day. Day 3 zero accidents. Yeah I’m interested to see how the next few days go.

I will say she wants nothing to do with a diaper anymore. Mom said she threw a fit about wearing one for her nap.