By Invitation Only


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
Locust is almost as good.
Locust is great if you find it at the right age and don’t mind dealing with the thorns. The problem
With locust can be if you don’t work with while green you’ll never drive a nail or staple in it.

Osage orange is great too if you can find it straight.


Staff member
Locust is great if you find it at the right age and don’t mind dealing with the thorns. The problem
With locust can be if you don’t work with while green you’ll never drive a nail or staple in it.

Osage orange is great too if you can find it straight.

I may be wrong, but I think honey locust doesn't have the thorns. Plenty of farmers around here cut them when the trunks is about 5-6 inches in diameter for posts.

You are right about how hard it gets.


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
I may be wrong, but I think honey locust doesn't have the thorns. Plenty of farmers around here cut them when the trunks is about 5-6 inches in diameter for posts.

You are right about how hard it gets.

If you catch them young they may not have as many thorns.



Hoopah drives the boat Chief !!
@MyTripisCut , how awesome was this!


nowhere special
I may be wrong, but I think honey locust doesn't have the thorns. Plenty of farmers around here cut them when the trunks is about 5-6 inches in diameter for posts.

You are right about how hard it gets.

Honey locust can have 3 to 4 inch thorns but some varieties are thornless. I think they originally had thorns but cultivars were developed without because those were some nasty looking thorns. If I remember correctly from a dendrology class from a long time ago.