By Invitation Only


Fight the power.
True story.

Well not 100% certain but the wives are convinced. A buddy of mine :censored2: himself one night drinking. Then proceeded to get into the hot tub to try and cover it up.
I gotta story about a bunch of us staying at a guys dorm and someone found a pair of pooped underpants behind the toilet. We all knew who it was. ... no it was not me ... lol.


nowhere special


Never bought my own handtruck
I gotta story about a bunch of us staying at a guys dorm and someone found a pair of pooped underpants behind the toilet. We all knew who it was. ... no it was not me ... lol.
I crapped myself walking home drunk from my buddy’s pool party, made it five blocks, crapped on my front lawn in my bathing suit. Tossed it in the trash and hosed my ass off at four AM right in the front lawn.

old levi's

blank space
Yes! You came back! What’s your number? I would Love to leave you a voicemail!

Wait, was I supposed to respond, or no? Damnit, did you go camping today?

I realize the disconnect, most of you are 2 generations removed from me. You will never appreciate me, and I will never understand you, and that's ok. Hey, it's Holy week, so may the Lord have mercy on us all. I don't want justice, just a double helping of mercy. No, trip, I didn't go camping today.