By Invitation Only

old levi's

blank space
hey @MyTripisCut I have never been camping, I have never smoked a pork shoulder, and I made all that up about being a Vietnam veteran. Does that make you feel better?

Oh one more thing, I didn't run package at age 64.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
How many times Yogi hit .406 and land a burning fighter jet in Korea , how’s the traffic today in the Yogi Berra tunnel ??
They were all heroic. Berra earned a Purple Heart, a Distinguished Unit Citation, two battle stars and a European Theatre of Operations ribbon during the war. He took part in the Normandy invasion.


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
@Indecisi0n that u



Never bought my own handtruck
hey @MyTripisCut I have never been camping,

Don’t care.

hey @MyTripisCut I have never smoked a pork shoulder,

We know...

hey @MyTripisCut and I made all that up about being a Vietnam veteran.

Thank you for your service.

hey @MyTripisCut Does that make you feel better?

Does it make you feel better to constantly attack @Operational needs ?

hey @MyTripisCut

Oh one more thing, I didn't run package at age 64.

I wouldn’t appreciate that since I’m an outside hire....