By Invitation Only


Never bought my own handtruck
Only corrupt when Dems are in power



Retired 23 years
You think throwing paper towels at the problem is the solution?
How many horror stories did you hear about the TONS of aid that was sent that rotted away because the PR government didn't get it out to the people and were holding it for the black market. Contrary to what you believe the PR people hate the USA BECAUSE they are a territory and want to be independent. Talk to anyone who has visited there.


How many horror stories did you hear about the TONS of aid that was sent that rotted away because the PR government didn't get it out to the people and were holding it for the black market. Contrary to what you believe the PR people hate the USA BECAUSE they are a territory and want to be independent. Talk to anyone who has visited there.
Contrary to what you believe, which is fake news, you couldn't be further from the truth.